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Application How to input your overall GPA

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Hey guys,


I'm just filling out the application and I'm inputing my marks into the transcript section. At the bottom of the page it gives you 4 options for putting down your GPA. I'm trying to choose between A and B (below)


OPTION A: Two most recent years of full time study prior to submitting an application.

OPTION B: Best 3 out of 4 years of full time study (only eligible if you have graduated at the time of application).


I've already graduated and am wondering if I can choose OPTION A (since that gives me a higher overall GPA) or if I must choose OPTION B since I have already graduated. It seems like OPTION A is for those in their last year of undergrad and not for those who have graduated... although it doesn't explicitly state that graduates can't choose OPTION A.


Thanks so much for your help!

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