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Am I competitive?

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From Dal website:


Breakdown for the Class of 2015


31 students will be from NB


6 students will be from PEI


63 students will be from NS


9 students from outside the Maritimes




1 MMTP (Military Supernumerary Seat)


1 Saudi (Supernumerary Seat)



Academic Stats


Average age is 25 years (age range 20-43)


MCAT average score = 30


GPA average score = 3.8

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I applied to DAL this year...but I'm not sure my MCAT scores are good enough. Anyone with experience, could you provide some guidance?


Biological: 11

Physical: 8

Verbal: 7

Writing: O

Total: 26O


Just a little worried...


Are you IP or OOP? If you are IP you *might* have a chance with that, there are a few who have done it, but it's not ideal by any means. It is certainly not a competitive score.

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Are you IP or OOP? If you are IP you *might* have a chance with that, there are a few who have done it, but it's not ideal by any means. It is certainly not a competitive score.


I assume you are IP since for OOP a 30 is the cut off.


1234 and Gametime24 are being a bit too negative. It is true that the score itself, standing alone, is not competitive. BUT many IPs get in with a "low" MCAT score at Dal. My own was not much higher and I had a 7 in one category. I know several individuals with scores in the 24-29 range who were offered admission in this past cycle or previous cycles. The MCAT is not a make or break portion (unless of course you are below 24). I know IPs with high MCAT scores who got the 10/10 in that category but still did not gain admission. The essay is worth just as much and your ECs much more.


As f_d pointed out the average MCAT was 30, the year before 29. All the OOPs are obviously equal to or greater than 30.


To answer your question if you are competitive then more info is needed i.e GPA and ECs. But even then it is hard to judge since the heavy weighting on the interview. If you are IP and have a GPA higher than 3.3 you WILL get an interview. From there the MCAT means relatively little. Focus on your interview skills rather than worrying about the MCAT.


I know it is easier said than done, but do not worry too much about your MCAT score. In the meantime sign up to re-write in case you are not successful. That way, in the next cycle you can apply to other schools and/or to improve for another shot at Dal.


Best of luck!

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I assume you are IP since for OOP a 30 is the cut off.


1234 and Gametime24 are being a bit too negative. It is true that the score itself, standing alone, is not competitive. BUT many IPs get in with a "low" MCAT score at Dal. My own was not much higher and I had a 7 in one category. I know several individuals with scores in the 24-29 range who were offered admission in this past cycle or previous cycles. The MCAT is not a make or break portion (unless of course you are below 24). I know IPs with high MCAT scores who got the 10/10 in that category but still did not gain admission. The essay is worth just as much and your ECs much more.


As f_d pointed out the average MCAT was 30, the year before 29. All the OOPs are obviously equal to or greater than 30.


To answer your question if you are competitive then more info is needed i.e GPA and ECs. But even then it is hard to judge since the heavy weighting on the interview. If you are IP and have a GPA higher than 3.3 you WILL get an interview. From there the MCAT means relatively little. Focus on your interview skills rather than worrying about the MCAT.


I know it is easier said than done, but do not worry too much about your MCAT score. In the meantime sign up to re-write in case you are not successful. That way, in the next cycle you can apply to other schools and/or to improve for another shot at Dal.


Best of luck!



You're essentially saying exactly now I feel, I just didn't have time to type it all out. I never meant to say the OP had no chance, I specifically said "might" because it depends so much on other things.


I'm aware that it's only 10% for MCAT and only 15% for GPA for that matter, academics aren't all that big of a deal at Dal. Other places are different, I think UofA has 50% academics. In that situation it'd be pretty tough to overcome, but it is def possible at Dal.


It still holds that it's not ideal though. A great essay and ECs coupled with a good MCAT will still beat out a great essay and ECs with a low MCAT.


Take home message: it's not the best starting block, but if your GPA is okay and you have good ECs and wrote a good essay, then you will have a chance, nail the interview and you'll be in a pretty good place, no one knows what the cut off for admission n waitlist will be each year. Or how much the waitlist moves, etc. Your application is in, so just wait it out, if you get an interview, prepare well and do your best :)

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