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Reference Letter Receipt Deadline Date for McMaster

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Hey guys,


I was wondering if anyone who's applied to McMaster and still have their status on the referee portion of the OMSAS application as "Currently Outstanding?" I phoned McMaster today and they wouldn't tell me a final deadline...said it was "up to the discretion of the Admissions team" which worries me. :(

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Contact OMSAS immediately. They gave me a fax number to re-send the letter, since one of my referees sent his letter in mid-september but it was still listed as "outstanding" up until last week.


As for McMaster's deadline, I'm not sure. Check the OMSAS guide since I know different schools had different deadlines.

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While most schools specify their real deadline for LORs, Mac doesn't. They just say that there is some flexibility on the Oct. 1 deadline. I'd speak to your referee (if you haven't already) and find out when/if it was sent. If it got lost in the shuffle you'll want to get them to resend it and let the school know. I think it's probably still early enough (before any of the other schools cut offs I believe) that it's unlikely to be a deal breaker. But obviously that's complete conjecture.


Hope it all works out!

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Thanks guys for all your responses. I phoned OMSAS the other day and the lady told me that letters from early October are still arriving at their place...and my referee sent it mid-October I think...


I have emailed my referee multiple times and she takes like 10 days to reply. I've told her this is urgent and requested she sent in another copy via Express, but god knows when she'll actually do so...its so frustrating :( Plus she's in the states now, so its going to take even longer. Not sure what else to do except wait and compulsively check OMSAS to see if they've received it...

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