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Premed 101 Forums

MMI Prep Service

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Hi everyone,


Looking to get feedback on your MMI skills? This year we are holding an MMI session for applicants to medical school. For a fee we will be providing a 10-station mock MMI, with detailed feedback and suggestions for improvement from your interviewers emailed to you post-interview. Interviewers will be current medical students who have gone through (and succeeded at) the MMI process. Questions will not be previously used MMI questions, but will be similar in nature (we are not allowed to replicate questions, and that wouldn't be fair anyways).


The MMI will be taking place on March 16th in Hamilton. Please note that this session is NOT endorsed by the university or medical school in any way, but is provided as an independent service.


For more information or to place a booking, please contact mcmastermmiprep@gmail.com

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