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IB/AP Credits

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Hey guys, I'm currently a 2nd year but I'd like to keep my options open.


Yale is known as a very "Canadian-friendly" school. Although it'd be a stretch to think I'd get in, I'd still like to at least meet the requirements so I can try.


I did an IB diploma and got credits. On the Yale website (and various other US med schools) mentioned that IB/AP credits did not count. Which means that I have to re-take my English course as well as General Chemistry + Lab (I'm okay for biology because I have tons of upper year bio related courses and labs).


My question is, is it okay to re-take a first year gen chem course + lab in my situation? Or would they look down on the fact that I'm taking a course I have credit for already? I go to McGill so I'd be taking Chem110 & 120.


I thought of taking an upper year inorganic chem course but they don't have lab components. The only ones open to us that do are the physical chem courses but they're known to be GPA killers.


Thanks to anyone that can give input/advice! :)

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