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UWO and U of T interviews

Guest Jase133

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Guest bad hombre

just out of curiosity, when are the interviews scheduled for? i won't be applying till next year, but it'd be good to know still.

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Guest toothy

I'm pretty sure U of T doesn't care about carving... Western combines all the scores together, so it's possible to have a bad carving score pulled up with a good academic score. Not too sure but if you average 20 on each part of the DAT it should be fine.


As for GPA, I remember that the U of T form uses a OMSAS-like scale and at least a 3.8 is needed to be competitive. Western seems to just use straight percentile (according to the webpage and pamphlet) and cutoff appears to be around 87 for 4yr grads and progressively higher if you were only 2nd or 3rd year.

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Guest Dental Guy

I have a 3.7 but got interviews at both Western and U of T. Does that mean I won't have a chance to get into either of these schools because I am uncompetitive? Should I even go to the interviews?

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Guest toothy

I mean with those numbers I put up you'll probably be near the bottom of the acceptance pile. With lower marks you may be waitlisted and will need additional experiences/super-duper interview to improve your chances.


Sorry if my conservative figures aggravated some of you. I think I know the stats well because I was a waitlister who scraped by.


Dental Guy, I've heard people with 3.7 get into U of T but UWO seems like a more likely bet! See you next year if you decide not to go into meds :)

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Guest bad hombre

From what people say in other forums, UWO uses the OMSAS GPA scale. I'm pretty sure i also remember seeing this somewhere. and U of T uses something like it except an 85 is worth a 4 instead of a 3.9.


the stats for toronto are a mean entering GPA of 3.81. But like meds this may include grad students so the GPA for undergrad people may be higher than that.

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Guest bad hombre



i know, i thought things were done percentwise there as well from looking at all the stats, but i'm pretty sure they use the OMSAS scale. i'll try and find the pamphlet where it said that. also, go to




hit up the predent forum, search for western and GPA or something along those lines. there's a thread where a couple of supposed UWO students say it's done by GPA. anyways, good luck with your stuff. maybe it'd be a good idea to call them? i'll try and find that pamphlet from this year, it's not the yellow one. i think it was orange. = P (note to self i am a loser).

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Guest bc gal

I am from BC and done my undergraduate there. I had about 87% going in UT but I am at the top 10% of my class now in dental school without really trying. Makes me wonder if my ontario's classmates' marks were inflated to begin with.

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Guest toothy

bad hombre, thanks for asking around about that bacteria replacement therapy on the other forum. As a sign of appreciation :) I asked Trish Ashbury, the admissions coordinator, about the business with OMSAS scales. Here's what she told me.


All marks are expressed as percentiles. Applicants from other schools get their marks converted to UWO percentiles with the OMSAS scale. e.g. You got an A from Ottawa, then that converts to a 3.9 which is 87% here. The sheet she showed me was somewhat different from


in terms of format but the actual numbers should be the same.


bc gal, you may be right, or perhaps the ontario students are more skillful at slacking off than you! Best proven with a drinking contest :D

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Guest bad hombre

ha, wow i had no idea it was like that.


If i'm applying from a school that does show percents, does that mean my percentages get converted to their percentages? Or do they use my percentages?

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Guest toothy

well, on OMSAS scale UWO is type 3, so if your school is also listed as type 3 then I believe the percentile grade is directly transferable (no conversion needed). Some schools use percentile grading which is not type 3, so check that conversion table :)

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Guest ddshopeful

Toothy: I've applied to UT and UWO and received interviews to both schools and as mentioned above, my interviews are on the 7th and 14th respectively. You also mentioned some stats regarding GPA's of entering classes. My GPA is a roughly a 3.75-3.76. Would that be considered a decent GPA profile and/or competitive for UT? Your post made me a little apprehensive and nervous!!


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Guest toothy

I think your chances are OK but not a "shoo-in". Obviously entering stats change every year but more often than not the direction is up. Try to use the interview component to your advantage.


Good luck!

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