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Waitlist Related Question

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I'm an OOP applicant on the wait-list. I was a little (ok, a lot) disappointed, but this is still a step-up from last year when I was rejected outright post-interview.


Does anyone know how the wait-list works in terms of IP and OOP? Are there two separate lists?


Hoping we see a lot of movement this year! :)

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I was waitlisted last year and I got the offer via email and then through mail (no phone call). I think they started moving around the end of May last year, but don't quote me on that.


But keep up the good spirits! The wait-list is a torturous process (I know) but it means you're very close and you've definitely done something right. Even if that means a boost to reapply next year!

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They notify you by email.


Applicants have 2 weeks to respond to the offers that went out today, and after that, waitlist movement starts. The first burst is the largest (during the first few days after the 2-week period), and I think you have 1 week to respond to a waitlist offer.

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I've heard from some med students at McMaster that there is some waitlist movement before the deadline for acceptance, though not much. Can anyone confirm that info? I got into Western at the London campus and I really loved it there so I'm leaning towards accepting, but McMaster became my number one choice over the process of applying and interviewing and I kind of want to maybe wait a little and see if I get off the waitlist before the 28th since right now Mac is still number one in my heart. There's no point in waiting though if that little tidbit about waitlist movement before the 28th is false. So if anyone can shed some light I would greatly appreciate it.

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Hey- I got in off the wait list before the 2 weeks last year but I believe it was only the day before (so for me the 29th I think). It makes it tight but if you wait to accept Western until the last day there is a chance if you are at the top! Good luck and congrats on your acceptance :)

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I've been searching forums and can't find an answer, but I was wondering if anyone knows the waitlist length at mac, or if there is any notification sent in the mail indicating either waitlist rank or relative position (high, low etc.). It's kind of annoying to have to wait in the dark with absolutely no indication of where I stand, all the other schools seem to do this, why not mac? , thanks in advance for any replies

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I've been searching forums and can't find an answer, but I was wondering if anyone knows the waitlist length at mac, or if there is any notification sent in the mail indicating either waitlist rank or relative position (high, low etc.). It's kind of annoying to have to wait in the dark with absolutely no indication of where I stand, all the other schools seem to do this, why not mac? , thanks in advance for any replies


It definitely is very frustrating - I was waitlisted last year. There is no info on numbers or rank however. Most people getting in off the waitlist got in by the first week of June last year. Hope that helps! Hang in there!

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Thanks aryastark that helps relieve some anxiety i had mixed feelings after the interview but was hopingi might be okay guess not :P oh well all i can so is wait just frustrating to have no idea if i am near the bottom or top and what length it is or even if mac over accepts ...so annoying

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  • 2 weeks later...
Aryastark, do you by any chance know offhand a rough count of how many people in your class got in off of the waitlist last year? Thanks!


Hey, sorry I just saw this. Unfortunately I don't have any numbers, and all I can tell you is that I've met quite a few people in our class that got in off the waitlist last year. Good luck guys!

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It was a really high number last year. Check out the afmc document for rough numbers from previous years. Based on student impressions on interview days and the posts here, I feel that this year the movement will tone down to normal again.


Aryastark, do you by any chance know offhand a rough count of how many people in your class got in off of the waitlist last year? Thanks!
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