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Watch for Test Day

Guest west2005

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Guest west2005

Some students on SDN were saying that they bought a special watch for the MCAT called "the silent timer".

Any thoughts on the best type of watch to bring for test day? I don't have a watch right now, and I'm wondering if I should go through the hassle of ordering this thing from the US or if I should just head to walmart and pick up a watch for $9.99 :D

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Guest ccharms

i'm probably an oddity, but i prefer not to have a watch that has too many details (i.e. a second hand or numbers on the face) b/c i tend to get too wrapped up in watching the time pass and then i panic when 15 or 10 minutes remaining rolls around.. but that's just me..

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Just get a simple, analogue wristwatch. Digital will likely be looked over by proctors, and it'd better not beep during the test! Otherwise, there will probably be a clock in the room as well, but don't count on it.


SDN posters can be from a whole other planet sometimes. A special watch just for the MCAT? Gimmie a break...

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Guest darlaa

Indeed-those SDNers are a bit scary...


I've got an analogue watch (with the hugest face I could find :lol ) With my practice exams, I've been putting the hands back to 12 so I can figure out when the section's over-I was second guessing myself too much about what time it would be in 80 minutes-what a time sucker!

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