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How is studying going??

Guest nbmom

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Guest nbmom

Just checking in, maybe people can post practice test scores or general mcat angst in this thread.


I am burnt out. I haven't had time for the finer things in life like working out and reality tv, and basically I am bored. I did however to a wedding last weekend, but subjected myself to 8 hours of EK audio ausmosis on the drive there and on the way back, to appease my guilt for not bringing books. I effin hate audio osmosis those dudes are extremely annoying. But I guess if someone is a audio learner....


Now for practice scores...

I wrote 3 TPR tests and I got the same scores on all 23:(

But I wrote aamc practice test 7 with my class and finally got some improvement

7p:rolleyes 9B and 12V:) =28

Something major has to happen with physical and hopefully I can squeeze out another point in bio on the big day. I am hoping for a 30.


Finally what are peoples end game strategy. I am planning on writing a full length almost every second day during the last two weeks....crazy perhaps,

Any tips for physical,...I will be pretty disappointed if that fugly 7 shows up on my score in october.

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Guest avenir001

Hey there,

I just finished covering all the topics in general chem & physics and tried physical sciences sections of 2 aamc tests (8R & 9R)...I ended up with 9 on both. A couple weeks ago I'd done 3R and got a 7. I'd say the reason for my improvement (aside from covering all the material) was that I learned not to try to understand each passage fully before moving on to the questions...I found that, for that passages that I found confusing, most of the questions could be answered with a general understanding of the passage. Also, I learned to skip around and do the easy passages first + the 15 stand-alone questions and by the time I was done these I didn't have to worry about the tough ones bcuz I had no time left :lol So speed is my main problem on this section.

As for biological sciences, I did a couple practice tests a while back and scored 10 and 11. What's frustrating though is that after concentrating on physics for a while, I find that I've forgotten some biology details and vice versa and it's nauseating to go over things again.

But verbal is a disaster...I've been practicing with EK verbal reasoning book and I've consistently been scoring 7-8. The sad news is some of their questions/explanations seem so far-fetched that I could never think that way...I think I'm just gonna practice with the aamc verbal passages from now on.

As for the final week, I'll do 2 full-lengths the week before...I think if I do more, I might be exhausted/bored during the real thing.

Anyways, good luck to everyone in these last few weeks.


PS: nbmom, do you have conversion charts for 7R & 8R?...I'm missing these and have been using the one for 9R instead...I don't know how similar they are...

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Guest foos101

Hey avenir,


If you goto the "kaplan raw score conversions" thread in this section, there's a link to a website that has all the conversions for the AAMC exams.


but hey I think its better that I just post the link here


we have to thank trynit for posting this one up.


As for the EK verbal, I'd say keep working at it, I've improved 1-2 points in the last 2 that I've done from the EK101 book. In my opinion, for a confidence booster, try the 3rd test. I managed to get an 11 even though I've averaged 9s.


Good luck with the studying.

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Guest Paulchemguy

man, I have been working on Kaplan verbal section tests and i've been scoring 10 and 11s. then i started on my 1st EC verbal and got a 10. but on the 2nd one, i got a 6, omg, this is so scary! :rolleyes

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Guest Jochi1543

I might be dropping out of the rat race this summer. My entire summer has been a nightmare so far, starting with the homeless shelter and other immigration-related torture, and ending with what happened this Friday. I moved to a new place, spent my first night there, and in the morning my new neighbors woke me up to tell me that my car was hit by a drunk driver sometime at dawn. It was hit twice by the same truck and dragged 300 feet away from where I had parked it. It's driveable, but the frame is severely damaged, which has led to wheel misalignment - if I go faster than 40 km/h, the car starts zig-zagging. I got it evaluated yesterday, and there's over $1000's worth of damage (and I got $40 in my bank account now). It was a hit and run, so the likelihood of me ever getting any money is very low. I literally had a nervous breakdown yesterday, and I just don't feel mentally prepared to deal with the MCAT, applications, and other @#%$ right now. The only thing preventing me from abandoning this app cycle now are student loan issues, but I will call them tomorrow and see what I can do.

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Guest silverjelly86

Oh my goodness, Jochi. That sounds like an absolute nightmare. Hopefully, though, everything works out well for you. Make the decision that feels right, not what others want, and although it's a cliche - keep your chin up!

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Guest trynit
I am burnt out. I haven't had time for the finer things in life like working out and reality tv, and basically I am bored.


Me too!!!! I'm tired and bored of the material. I went for a hike out at one of our provincal parks yesterday and actually started crying as we drove back to the city. I really didn't want to go back home and be faced with all those MCAT books sitting on our kitchen table.


Now I'll try to be more positive: Keep on truckin' everyone! We can do this! There are only 3 more weeks left and then we can finally do all the other things we've been missing out on this summer. Okay, I feel better already.


To nbmom, I've seen many of your posts on this forum and know that you've put a lot of work into this exam. I would take a couple of days off and then pump yourself up for that last haul! There is a light at the end of this tunnel. Its almost over...


Oh and Jochi -- yikes!! First things first. You can do the MCAT next year when the test is shorter. Sounds like there are more pressing issues right now. Take care

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Guest Jochi1543

Loans said I would have my award reassessed if I drop out of the classes I'm taking now, and I'd have 90 days to pay off the balance I'd owe.....The total amount I took out was $3260, and I make about $1800-1900 a month after taxes, so I *could* pay off the entire amount in 90 days if I really tightened my belt...but I hope they won't require the entire amount to be paid back.




My dad thinks I should sell this car and buy a new one, but then I have to pay stupid duties on it - it was duty-free under the condition that I wouldn't sell it for a year, and it's been only 2 months. I have no clue how much they'd charge me, but I imagine it could be up to $1000, in which case it doesn't make sense to sell it, cuz that's how much it's gonna cost to fix it.


But yeah, I just haven't been able to give it 100% this summer, and I don't wanna get average scores on the MCAT (my GPA is average, so I can't afford not to ace the MCAT). I still have tons of moving to do, and it doesn't look like I'll have that much time to study before the 19th. So things aren't looking too good.

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I got hit and run by a truck two summers ago. I paid a 300 dollar deductible, and the insurance company paid the rest. If there's a police report, you may not even have to pay that.

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Jochi, I have no doubt that you'll be making 6 figures in less than a decade.


So on the up side, these stupid money problems will serve as memories to ground you and ensure that you dont take your future success for granted.

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Guest citrinez

Hi Alll,


Just a reminder that it's gonna be okay. This is just one step toward our goal, but it's definitely not the be all and end all. I mean just think of how many times it's gonna be offerred next year:) Anyway, all the best to everyone.


Jochi: Hang in there:)

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