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What are my chances? 3.95 GPA, 30 MCAT

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I know my MCAT is low, but I am hoping my GPA, ECs, and applying early will counteract that. Please let me know what you think of my upcoming app:




cGPA = 3.95 (sGPA probably the same)

MCAT = 30


ECs (which I think are very good/above average):


Lots of physician shadowing, working as admin assistant at family clinic, 1 year of clinical research, a varsity sport, exec member and VP of several clubs, etc etc


List of schools I am applying to (21 schools total):


Albert Einstein, Boston U, Case Western, Rosalind Franklin, Dartmouth, Duke, George Washington, Georgetown, Mt Sinai, Mayo, NYMC, New York U, Penn State, SUNY, Brown, Tufts, UCLA David Geffen, U Michigan Ann Arbor, U of Minnesota, VCU, Wake Forest, Wayne State


Do I have any shot at higher tier schools?

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pretty sure wake forest, tufts and brown arent canadian friendly either.


In terms of your chances for high tiers, I wouldn't say they're great because of your MCAT's on the lower end of their spectrum, especially as an international applicant. I think your best shot is mid tiers like AECOM since you have a strong GPA to compensate.

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pretty sure wake forest, tufts and brown arent canadian friendly either.


In terms of your chances for high tiers, I wouldn't say they're great because of your MCAT's on the lower end of their spectrum, especially as an international applicant. I think your best shot is mid tiers like AECOM since you have a strong GPA to compensate.


I just checked and Wake Forest and Tufts aren't accepting Canadians anymore, thanks for saving me money :)


Would you say if applying early, I have a shot at schools like Boston U, Case Western, Dartmouth?

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Boston and Case Western are both reasonable according to your LizzyM score compared to the school averages, but that doesn't take into account your international status. I think these schools would be good reach schools; odds aren't in your favour but you do have a shot.

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I think that there's a couple there that aren't really as Canadian friendly as they might say. Geffen and U Michigan being the only clear two I can identify. So you may want to scratch those. Other than that, looks good to me.


Your MCAT is going to hold you back. 30 is low for a Canadian applicant and very low for high-tier schools


Case Western loves research


Don't bother applying to UCLA or U of Minnesota


Duke and Mayo are huge long shots


I know the MCAT is a bit low for some schools, but I thought my high GPA would counteract that and put me on a level playing field. Isn't that how it works? On top of that, I have good ECs.. I was hoping the rest of my app would make up for a sub-par MCAT.

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