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constants on exam


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Do we need to memorize constants for the MCAT exam. I know this seems to be a stupid question, but i don't remember taking any course where we had to memorize constants, but the only aamc test i've done so far did not provide constants..

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I've seen a few questions on exams whereby they'll tell you what a symbol represents in a formula (ie: plank's constant) but not actually give you the value.

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Guest trynit
I've seen a few questions on exams whereby they'll tell you what a symbol represents in a formula (ie: plank's constant) but not actually give you the value.


Yup. I just saw this on an exam today (AAMC3R), but you didn't need to know the actual value of Plank's constant in order to answer the questions. From what I've seen, if you need that actualy numerical value, it will be given to you. If you don't, look for another way to answer the quesiton.


Happy studying!

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