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I found this video today and it just reignited my excitement!



I still can't believe I'm really going to get to go to med school at Mac! I accepted my Mac offer and declined my other offer today on OMSAS so that made it seem more real! Hopefully with the accepting and declining of offers rolling in those on the wait list will start getting good news soon!

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My package still hasn't come in the mail, it's driving me crazy! I want to accept my offer. Mail to my area is brutal though (London, it's not even a rural area!), so I'll probably have to e-mail Wendy at the end of the day on Tuesday to say it hasn't come yet and get a scanned copy of the forms.


I'm excited to meet you and everyone else - I haven't posted too much on the forums (I guess I figured I'd jinx myself or something), but I've been lurking. :)

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