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im frreaking out

Guest citrinez

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Guest citrinez

okay, i need some moral suport/ realistic advice...


i have been REALLY sick since the beginning of June and Im taking a tpr course right now ( which I am very behind in right now). I need some perspectives as to what you all think about my ability to get ready for the 19th. Frankly, right now I don't feel ready at all. I am feeling a bit better than I was before, so I will be able to get a few hours in each day, but im not sure if it will be enough ( it's my first time writing). Would it be best to just carry on and see how prepared I can get before the 19th, and then see how I feel in the exam and void depending on the situation, or would it be better to just write it ( and keep the score), and risk a potentially bad score ( I'm concerned about full disclosure at some schools). Also, for anyone familiar with TPR's course re-take policies, if I do decide to void during the exam, will I still be eligible to re-take the course, or do I need actual scores?


Any input, subjective or not, would be GREATLY appreciated!


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Guest darlaa

TPR's guarantee is "Satisfaction with your outcome"-having to void the MCAT is not very satisfied I'd say-I know I saw a link on their website to that but the site's down for repairs right now so I can't hook you up.


IMO, you've got 6ish weeks to study and try to get prepared so use them to your advantage. Unless studying this much is going to make you more ill, I'd try to keep studying, but I know that if I was already thinking about voiding my exam, I wouldn't be able to study as well. You have a science undergrad right? I know lots of folks who didn't start to prepare until a month b/f the MCAT and did well.


Psyching yourself out will only make things worse-that's supposed to be the job of all the keeners in the TPR classes (what's UP with them??)


In the same situation, I'd work really hard and give it my all and make these decisions closer to the test date.

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Guest cedar05

Hi citrinez,


I would study hard now and prepare. You still have plenty of time if you you calm down and make the most efficient use of the time you have. Also on the day of the exam you may be doing better or worse than you think so I would NOT void. I personally think a void looks worse than a lower score. A void says that you quit whereas a low score one year followed by a higher score the next (if need be) shows committment and determination, not to mention improvement. So I think you should just do your best and prepare now and don't even consider voiding or else you may freak out the day of and void when you shouldn't have. Good Luck!

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Guest nbmom

I'm freaking out as well, I have been working by butt off and my score has only improved by one verbal point.

If I were you I would just work the hardest you can and see how it turns out. THats what I am doing, I no longer have really high expectations but I am registered to write so I am going to give it my all.


The guarantee for refund just says your score improves, does anyone know how much it improves. Thats a pretty lousy money back guarantee that if your score improves by one point they don't give any refund.

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Guest trynit

Hey citrinez,


I'm staring to get freaked out too. Believe me, you're not alone! I finally took a day off work in order to study. I thought I would have plenty of time in the evenings, but it has been soooooooooo hot and humid here (I'm in Winnipeg) and I don't have AC at home. Needless to say, in the past few weeks my cats and I have just been staring at each other through the evening, paralysed by the heat. Not a lot of studying being done. Sometimes I think I spend more time thinking about studying and worrying about this exam than actually doing work to prepare for it.


After some thinking about this last night I have a new plan: STOP WORRYING. It takes up to much precious time! I'll take my dinner to work and then go the library straight from there and I can be nice a cool when I study.


Sometimes I don't think I'll ever be ready for this exam and from what I've read, many others feel the same. You can always re-write in January and if you show improvment, it says much about your dedication and commitment. It the meantime, study as much as you reasonably can, but not at the sacrifice of your health!!!


If you don't do well, it is not the end of the world, although it may feel as if it is. The great thing about this exam is that you can write it again if you don't feel that your score reflects your abilities.


In the meantime, I hope that the weather cools off. For the love of god -- it was 40 degrees here yesterday!! Global warming is bad on so many levels! If only Al Gore has known about my "heat-related-MCAT-study-problems" he could have encorporated it into that movie of his. hehe


Take care and good luck

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Guest nbmom

Have you tried ExamKrackers J? Some in my princeton review class found their method of prep useless and have bought the 101 verbal passages and are seeing improvement.

Hang in There!

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Guest JGracie

yes nb, in fact, i'm studying from EK right now. i guess i started studying kinda late, so i shouldn't be expecting great scores right now.

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