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How do u help a non-science person 4 MCAT?

Guest anitabanita

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Guest anitabanita

I wrote my MCAT after my 2nd yer because I had completed my Intro Bio/Animal and Genetics and Intro Physics plus IntroChem and Organic plus English. Things went pretty well for the MCAT, now I am helping students at a uni as a 'pre-med buddy' kinda thingy.

One of the girls is an Arts student who has never (I repeat NEVER taken uni physics or chem). I am sure she'd breeze through the Verbal but does any one have any suggestions for someone who has never taken science courses. Some people have told me that things like Kaplan and Princeton reviews/ prep packs help , but I dont know anyone who has done well on those without having had some science bkground. Any advice (....*besides the obvious - have her take science courses in phyiscs, chem and orgo!*)

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Guest rubberoduck

is she willing to spend the money to take on a tutor? in my opinion, if a person has NEVER done senior science before, it's better to have a private tutor than take the commercial courses. I say this because I took the Kaplan course, and with a strong science background I was overwhelmed by their questions, which made me more nervous about the test than necessary. There is a very distinct trend on the type of science questions MCAT asks, and if your friend gets a tutor who knows what he/she is doing, he/she can optimize the teaching so your friend can do well on the MCAT with minimal studying. If she's able to breeze through VR, then spending 1000 bucks on a course is a waste of money. It's worth her time and money to get a tutor for about 50 hours and do some review at home.

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