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Apply to US med schools or switch to Nursing program?

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I just finished my 3rd year of a science degree program, and I'm stuck on whether I should switch into a Nursing program (I will be in first year again) or continue and try my chances at an american med school. My family has a history of being in and out of the hospital for various reasons so my main goal is to be working in the hospital in the future.


My marks are:

1st year:2.9 (I know...)

2nd year: 3.3

3rd year: 3.9

MCAT: 35

ECS: they're decent


The highest I can pull my cGPA to is about a 3.5.. I have talked to the academic advisor and because of my 3rd year mark they would allow me to switch into a nursing program if I wished, and I would become a RN one year earlier. Should I risk the extra year and pull my mark up to ~3.5 and try for american med, or switch now? Thanks in advance, any input would be helpful.

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