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Studying for MCAT while working full-time?

Guest Gavanshir

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Guest Gavanshir

Hi, I just found out yesturday that I'll have to work-full time this summer to pay my rent. Has anyone studied for the MCAT and done well while having other major commitments? I'm feeling very discouraged right now so it would help to hear other people's stories.Thanks.

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Guest trynit

I'm studying for the MCAT while working full time too! You just need to be organized and start right away. Hopefully you have a physically demanding job, so you won't mind sitting down and reading for a couple of hours each night. I sit all day at my job, so it is really hard stay still in the evenings. Unfortenatly, I just can't seem to read my EK books while on a tredmill:D


Good luck

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Guest blinknoodle

Yes, of course many people keep up with their normal lives while studying for the MCAT! I worked full-time the summer I wrote the MCAT and it worked out fine. I took a week off before the test, though. It would be better to look at your capabilities, what you are comfortable with and tackle your weaknesses if you have a short amount of time.

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Guest treehuggingbiologist

It'll be tough, but it is doable. If you're working full time, try to start as early as humanely possible (ie now) and get the week before (or two weeks if you can swing it) off before the test so you can get in the mcat zone.


Not very inspiring, but if you know its gonna be tough, you're less likely to put it off.

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Guest AH800

I would tend to think that the MAJORITY of people who write the august mcat would be working full time. I don't know too many students who can take the summer off of work. I personally am working full time (9-5), playing a sport, and taking a summer course(online). I usually find ~2hrs/weekday to study and ~5-6hrs/day on weekends. As the mcat gets closer I'm going to start to try and stay up a little bit later to get in an extra 1/2-1hr each day. All in all I'd say it's quite doable.

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Guest Jochi1543

I'm taking 4 courses (all MCAT-related though, like Orgo, so it helps) and currently looking for a part-time job, so I'm in about the same situation schedule-wise. I know I will just have to make studying a job - devote 5 hours to my courses and MCAT studying 5 days a week, otherwise I will fall behind.

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Guest Gavanshir

Thanks for your replies, I think the toughest part is the sudden change of plans. All throughout last year I had a mental image of just how I'd study for the mcat this summer and now everything has changed and I gotta get used to the idea of studying along side work. I'm sure it's possible to do well and a lot of people have, but I know the exam is all about confidence so hopefully I will have studied enough to feel confident in August. Thankfully I still have next year incase I need to retake it..

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest akinf

I'm working full-time as well. The main thing is just finding the energy to study in the evening. Weekends are a good use of time, but I am still getting the hand of the best way to study most effectively. For science, I find looking over each question and reviewing over stuff you got wrong, or got right for the wrong reasons helps.

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Guest Jochi1543

I find it easier to study BEFORE work than after. Even though I'm not a morning person, I'm still in better shape at 5 AM before work than I am at 6 PM after work.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest doclightning

It was encouraging reading this discussion thread. I am also working full time! Studying before going to work would be good, but I already wake up at 5:30am to go to work :(

Evenings and weekends are all that I have. I know it won’t be easy, which is why I’m starting my preparation now (for April 2007).

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Guest Jochi1543

I'm full-time at work now, and I'm very much on schedule for August 19th - I finished the bio section and will be done with general chem today or tomorrow. I just study one or two chapters on weekdays (depending on how long the chapters are and how tired I am), and 2-3 a day on weekends. It took me about 2.5 weeks to go through the bio section and a week for general chem. I do plan to go back to bio and review a few chapters closer to the test date - there were some areas I had never studied before, such as anatomy/physiology, so I don't feel 100% comfortable with them, but I definitely feel like 2.5 months of prep while working full-time is perfectly reasonable.

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