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August mcat study check in

Guest nbmom

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Guest nbmom

Hows it going for everyone?


Bio and Verbal are going to be good to go


Physical sciences are a nailbiter....I seem to understand it, have formulas memorized (for the sections i have covered), can do basic practice Qs in the review book, but when i get to the passages I suck big time.....I heard Princeton review physical is a little harder, but I am still doing terrible....hopefully it comes together for me.


Hope studying is going well for others.

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Guest Jochi1543

I'm a few days behind since my work wants me to be full-time for the next week (including starting at 4 AM next Tuesday...urrgghhh...NOT pretty). However, I get Monday off for Canada Day, and expect to be done with Bio by then. I'm already done with Verbal, and have been working on general chem alongside bio for variety.

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Guest darlaa

I'm a week or two behind in the PR class b/c I had defferred finals to deal with-I'm concerned. I'm also planning on using the long weekend to get caught up, first the physical sciences b/c like nbmom, they're not my strong suit....


I think that having all these books and questions is making me feel further behind than I really am b/c I can't get through everything for each class...This is a very humbling (is that a word?) summer for me |I

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Guest Jochi1543

Oh great, now they say I might be full-time for good now. I wasn't supposed to start full-time till late August or September!


full-time work + full-time school + MCAT = very unhappy Jochi1543.8o

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Guest Jochi1543

Thanks, darlaa.



Sounds like we all are going to have one heck of a relaxing long weekend!



I did finish another chapter of bio yesterday, and now I only have 75 pages left in that section, all of which is material I studied in class this past academic year - so I should be able to get through it quickly.

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Guest nbmom

Thats too bad Jochi, I feel your pain, I feel like there aren't enough hours in the day! I look forward to getting this overwith but I also dread august19.

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Guest Jochi1543

Yay! I have 7 pages (1 chapter) left in the bio section...plan to be done with it today! Tomorrow I'm gonna do the bio section test to see whether I've mastered everything. Then I'm gonna do more general chem, and I think I will also start physics for variety. I'm studying o-chem in my Athabasca class now, so I think I'll do o-chem last, when I've already learned a good part of the material by working for the organic chemistry class.

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