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Low VR?

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You have a shot if you kill Casper. your GPA and VR probably will balance an make you an average candidate. Mcmaster only interviews ~55 OOP aplicants so doing well on casper is a must.


Personally I would rewrite a 9 VR as that puts a lot of school off the table.

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You have a shot if you kill Casper. your GPA and VR probably will balance an make you an average candidate. Mcmaster only interviews ~55 OOP aplicants so doing well on casper is a must.


Personally I would rewrite a 9 VR as that puts a lot of school off the table.


how do you know the stats and advantages of being IP and OOP?

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I just got in (off the waitlist) with a VR of 9. In third year I had a VR of 10 and didn't even get interviewed, so CASPER is definitely a huge factor. I am IP though, even did undergrad at Mac, but I don't know of there being a significant IP vs OOP difference for Mac... If you sincerely think you can rewrite and do better in verbal and keep up your science scores (assuming you were happy with those), then go for it. I regret rewriting at this point, since all I did was boost my science scores and decrease my verbal to go on to only interview at schools that don't care about MCAT sciences...

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