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when to take the MCAT?

Guest rae21

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Guest rae21

Hi everyone! This has probably been asked a million times but...when do most people take the MCAT? I plan on applying during my third year and I'm entering my second year now. I'm not sure whether to take it during the summer next year (and write in august) or take it during 3rd year (april) or that august. I'll be taking a summer course next year (physics II) so I'm not sure if that's a good idea or not. I'll have the pre-reqs I need by the end of 2nd year so that isn't a problem.


I'm pretty confused about the whole thing, so any help is appreciated!

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Guest Madz25

If you want to apply in your 3rd year (ie. get into med after completing 3 years) then you must write it next summer at the latest - summer before you start 3rd year. You cannot apply in 3rd year and write the MCAT in april of your 3rd year.

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also check out the aamc website to and read up on how the test is changing to all computer based tests starting at the beginning of 2007, and how there are many many more possible dates than just april and august (~20 dates/year if i'm not mistaken). gives ya way more options

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Guest Apraxis

Ism is correct in that AAMC is switching entirely to CBT (computer-based testing) and will offer the MCAT 22 times per year. Each test-taker can only take it a maximum of 3 times per year, but with the 22 sessions offered per year, there will be greater flexibility to fit the test into one's schedule.

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Guest muchdutch
Each test-taker can only take it a maximum of 3 times per year,


but aren't you really only 'supposed' to take it 3 times in your life? That would sure exhaust someone's hopes in a pretty short period of time if they did @#%$ on all 3 in one year...

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Guest Jochi1543

Well, yeah, but I think that if a person does terribly on 3 tests, they are probably not really competitive anyway and might as well move on to plan B.8o

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Guest Apraxis

Not true. One can write the MCAT more than 3 times in their life. In order to write it more than 3 times, however, you must send proof to AAMC that you have either:


1. applied to at least one medical school since writing the MCAT the first time; or


2. been rejected from at least one medical school since writing the MCAT the first time.


And, no, one may rewrite the fourth, fifth, sixth or even seventh time and see a positive change in his or her score. Supposedly, there is little change in score following a rewrite, but instances in which a rewrite changes a score substantially can and do occur. Why would 3 be the magic number setting the boundary between success and failure, plan A or B?

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