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August test takers Roll Call

Guest nbmom

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Guest nbmom

I thought this was a good idea now that the april test has passed.


Prep Strategy: I have been doing *some* work since January. I reviewed Biology (not hardcore though) and I am in the process of working through Exam Krackers Physics. I am starting a PR course at the end of May.


General Outlook/ Strengths & Weaknesses: I am scared, but part of me is confident that if I put in the work I will get the results I want. I am worried that I won't be able to keep up in the prep course since I did not take physics or organic. Obviously that is what I feel my weakness is.

As for strengths, I read and reason well. I have found that I score well on verbal practice without having done any prep, I hope that once I get the concepts down this ability will transfer over to the other sections.

I was also a kin major and am very comfortable with physiology, anatomy, and biomechanics themed questions, hopefully this turns out to be a strength.


Good Luck to everyone with the studying!

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Guest Jochi1543

I'm taking the August test.


I won't start studying until June 1st - I'm a graduating senior, so I have loads of work to do now with school, and I'm also working/volunteering, so I have no time. I plan to rest for 2 weeks after graduation, then I'm moving, and after that, once I settle down, I'll start studying.


I'm also taking Organic I & II, General Chem II, and Physics III through Athabasca over the summer, so that will be part of my prep. I took General Chem II about halfway, but had to withdraw because I was too busy to get an A or A- in it. So I do know half of the material of that course, which helps. I'm taking biology this year, so hopefully I won't have to review TOO much in that either. So overall, I'm pretty optimistic about the time I gave myself to prepare.


I'm not taking any prep course. I do think that meeting up with another August test-taker (or takerS) in my area on, say, a weekly basis for group study would be fun. I'll be in Calgary, anyone there?

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Guest rebel spirit

Count me in for the August test. I'm currently working overseas and will be taking the MCAT in India - hope that works out ok! It's been a few years since I've taken any of this basic science stuff. My partner has been sending me the Kaplan book one chapter at a time! I'm almost through organic chem.......

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Guest soonerorlater

Count me in for August too. I haven't done bio or chem or physics in years, so I'm studying for the August MCAT with the Examkrackers complete study guide (and textbooks for quick referece when needed). I'm dedicating a lot of time to studying so I'm hoping it will all pay off for me.

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Guest MedSchoolGirl2005

i hear ya...wrote it before and a little less optimistic about how the aamc curves the scores...since i felt great last august and ended up with a crummy score...


I'm hoping this years april scores went a lot better..i think end of june we should know...

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Guest PhansterZ

Gonna write the August exam also. I've recently completed my 2nd year of BPS at Ottawa U.


Just shelled out what seems to be my life savings for the Kaplan review; starting in June.


Not cramming as much as you guys this summer.. haha.. just light volunteering (4 hours a week) and a part time job (15 hours a week). I'm pretty confident in all the science sections of the mcat, so I'll be concentrating mainly towards the verbal reasoning/essay writing sections.

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Guest treehuggingbiologist

PhansterZ The Kaplan instructors know you're forking over a ton of money for the course - they'll be sure to make it worth your while.

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Guest AH800

August MCAT for me also. I'm pretty confident in the biology section, and fairly confident in the chemistry section. The physics, and orgainc will need some decent review since it's been a few years since I've taken either. I'm not taking a course, rather will be doing my own studying using the kaplan review book. I've been putting in a couple hours a day for the past few weeks and will start putting in even more as the summer moves along. I'll also be taking an english course and working in a lab full time this summer, so I'll be fairly busy.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest daryn

I'm writing in August 2006 as well.


This is my second time. I wrote MCAT last August. I got 31N and hope to give it a (much needed) boost. I just finished my third year. Since my GPA is FAR from good I need my MCAT to shine.


Plans: I simply don't have the time/money to take a course, so I'm on my own again. Last year I worked for six days a week and had to care for my mom (who was recovering from surgery) so I had very little time/energy to study. This time, I'm working three days a week and volunteering three days a week. (and my mom is totally recovered yay). I've been gathering as many books as I can from friends and study off those. Progress has been ok.


THings to focus on: the damned WS! I did pretty well in English classes so I guess I walked into MCAT being fairly cocky about that fact. So this is definitely something I need to work on. I'm fairly comfortable with BS because I've learned most of the material already.


Good luck all.

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Guest EngineeringStud

I'm writing this August as well, the CBT if I can get it. Self-study only. It's my first attempt.

Good luck everyone!

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Guest trynit

I'm in for August too. I'm a nontrad studying on my own, while working full time. Practice tests tell me my BS and PS are okay, but not excellent. VR seems to be a @#%$ shoot -- one time I score 12 and the next I score 7 -- Yikes!! Hope I'm having a "12 day" in August...

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Guest premedhelp

aug will be my first time. i was thinking if we can form a study group in toronto/gta area. we can write practice test together and then go over it to help each other in studies and motivation.... let me know if you guys are interested.

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Guest Jochi1543

Wow, just a bit over 2 months left, eh!:eek I've been studying the bio section in the Kaplan book, about 1/3 done...I feel on track right now. Luckily, my current full-time job is rather mind-numbing, so I don't mind the studying all that much. Got 2 interviews tomorrow though, so this may change!;)

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