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Studying for the MCAT in two months without prerequisites

Guest nursemed

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Guest nursemed

What do you guys think about studying for MCAT without prerequisites in 2 months.


I am a registered nurse. I currently work almost full time shift at Sick Kids (32hours a week). Currently doing my masters degree in nursing (Im off for the summer). I will complete this next summer. I have a undergrad cummulative GPA of 3.59


I never took general chemistry or physics in undergrad (I did in high school). I took one semester of organic chemistry. I have not taken general biology. however, I have taken anatomy, physiology and microbiology. My question is do you guys think it is possible to start studying for the mcat now (2 months before) and have a decent grade.


What do you guys think.


Based on my stats what do you think is the best strategy to get into med school. b

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Guest MedSchoolGirl2005

I really cant answer that cuz i think taking g chem and physics and a lot of bio really helped me. Its all about how you learn and how fast you can learn the material in 2 months.


If you can understand the concepts in g chem and physics and bio purely by studying...then great! But, i would advise you to do a ton of practice problems and tests to be sure that you know everything. And know all the bio material cold...

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Guest muchdutch

If you work your butt off, you should be fine regardless of the courses you have or have not taken previously. Just work hard, be thorough, recognize your weaknesses and practise a lot.


But don't you need those courses for calculation of pre-req average at most, if not all schools?

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Alot of people (myself included) have completely forgot the material from the prerequisites (thinking that they would never use them) and realize when they start studying that the chem/phys/bio material seems completely unfamiliar...as if they had never seen it before since highschool.


If you just focus on the basic principles (from which you'll sort of be able to understand the more complex concepts from a different angle compared to blind memorization) then you'll definately be okay.


From the AAMC material i've seen, you don't really need to have a very in depth understanding of the material. Prep books work just fine.

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