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taking summer school while studying for mcats - bad idea?

Guest tbee01

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Guest tbee01

hey guys,


i'm currently studying for my mcats, but starting in july, i was also planning on taking the second half of orgo chem. i'm beginning to have my doubts though on whether or not this is a good idea. i mainly wanted to take it during the summer so it would not be included in my cgpa (since i'm taking it at another uni other than my home one), in case i don't do as well as i hoped...and also because, i wanted to take a third-year biochem course in the fall and need this as a prereq.


i'm worried, however, that my mcat marks might suffer as a result...since orgo chem is known to be somewhat difficult. also, the exam will fall near the same date as the august 19th writing of the mcats. but if i take it normally during the school year, my cgpa might be affected as well. what do you guys think? any advice is appreciated :)

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Guest ComplacentTragedy

I took summer physics (six creds) while studying for the 'Cat - I did better in that phys than in Biology during regular session, and my MCAT scores were quite satasfactory.


So even if you take oChem, labs and all, you still have 5 hours a day plus weekends. And depending on the length of your ochem, if it's only a couple weeks, you'll have plenty of time to waste/study before the MCAT.


Though, don't take on a summer job at the SAME TIME... isn't the best for you.

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Guest Jochi1543

I'm taking 4 courses this summer, studying for the MCAT, and currently looking for work....so far, I've been doing fine and have enough free time to go fishing, horseback riding, and to the gym.

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Guest aneliz

The summer I wrote the MCAT, I was working two jobs and also taking a distance-ed ecology course... and doing my usual EC's as well...


You don't need to put your whole summer on hold for the MCAT, you just need to manage your time.

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Guest EngineeringStud

I'm doing USRA (35 hrs a week), Orgo 1 (6 hrs a week + tons of studying) and volunteering (4 hrs a week). It's a tight squeeze, but I'm managing so far.

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