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Transfer Student Dilema (MCAT related)

Guest jy87

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Guest jy87



I'm in a moderately awkward situation. I recently "unofficially" transferred from my university (of 1st year) to another university.


I just received my transfer credits and found that my first year biology course from my previous university was not considered equivalent to the first-year biology course from the university that I 'transferred' to and as a result I received a generic first-year biology credit instead. Unfortunately, in order to take 2nd year science courses at this university like molecular/biochem/genetics, you must have their first-year biology and a generic credit won't do.


As a result I can't enrol in any of the above courses unless I repeat first-year to take this one course (which I'm not planning on doing).


So, here's my question: Would it be possible to have taken solely first-year bio/chem/physics and second year orgo (and teach yourself the important parts from the above courses, i.e. start studying for the MCAT a few months earlier) and still be at least as prepared for the BS/PS parts of the MCAT as other people who had taken these courses?


I think I already know the answer to this question but if you can provide me with any suggestions that would be appreciated!



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Guest Gavanshir

You dont need the molecular/biochem/genetics for the MCAT, although they do help in understanding and getting the bigger picture.


I think you can teach yourself parts of the upper level courses if you really need to during your studying. I guess it all depends on how well you understood the first level courses.

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Guest celeria

i know people at my school who have had the requirements waived for certain courses. you should talk to your faculty advisor to see if they can do this for you. i'm sure that there can't be that big of a difference between the two first year courses that you couldn't bring yourself up to speed in order to take this new school's second year bio courses. be persistent about it and they will probably let you do it.


also, in my opinion it IS better to take a course rather than trying to teach yourself. If it meant that you could get a score of a point or two higher on the mcat would it be worth it to you? if so, then take the course.

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Guest jy87

Hey guys, thanks for the replies!


Celeria, I took your advice and contacted the head of the undergraduate program to which I had initially applied and wasn't accepted because of this one biology course. After talking with him for a few minutes, he decided to accept me into the program. Without your reply, I probably would have never even bothered to contact him.


So thanks once again!

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