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Osap and bursaries??

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sorry if this is a stupid question, but I just want to double-check what to put on my OSAP application. In the financial section there is this:


"Scholarships, bursaries and/or awards you expect to receive from Aug 31/13 to Aug 30/14"


since McMaster bursary applications happen after we start school, I'm confused about what to put down for this. I am planning to apply for bursaries, but I'm not sure whether to expect to receive anything. So what would I put here? If I put down that I expect to receive $0 (and right now, I do since I don't know what kind of bursaries would be available and whether I'd even get anything), but then apply and actually get something, am I committing fraud? Or is this what the "income update" is for?


I would appreciate any help, sorry I'm so clueless. :confused:

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