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Anyone have the oldschool list of WS prompts?

Guest dopetown

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Guest dopetown



Someone from this forum once gave me a link to the oldschool list of about 300 WS prompts. Anyone know where to find it? It was in PDF. The one given by AAMC is a much shorter version.

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Guest blinknoodle

Knock yourself out!


Political freedoms are best appreciated in those countries where they do not exist.

Describe a specific situation in which political freedoms might be appreciated in a country where such freedoms do exist. Discuss what you think determines whether political freedoms are best appreciated in countries where such freedoms are denied or where they exist.

Politicians should concentrate on making policy rather than attempt to affect people's beliefs.

Describe a specific situation in which politicians might attempt to affect people's beliefs rather than make policy. Discuss what you think determines when politicians should concentrate on making policy and when they should attempt to affect people's beliefs.

An understanding of the past is necessary for solving the problems of the present.

Describe a specific situation in which solving a current problem might not require an understanding of the past. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the past should be considered in solving the problems of the present.

Government regulation of business is necessary in a democracy.

Describe a specific situation in which government regulation of a business might not be necessary in a democracy. Discuss what you think determines when government regulation of business is necessary in a democracy and when it is not.

The primary requirement for a successful politician is common sense.

Describe a specific situation in which a politician might need an asset other than common sense to be successful. Discuss what you think determines when politicians need common sense in order to achieve success and when they do not.

Political debate often gets in the way of political action.

Describe a specific situation in which political debate might not get in the way of political action. Discuss what you think determines whether or not political debate will get in the way of political action.

Scientists should seek to confirm theories or hypotheses rather than to refute them.

Describe a specific situation in which a scientist might seek to refute a theory or hypothesis rather than to confirm it. Discuss what you think determines when scientists should seek to confirm theories or hypotheses and when they should seek to refute them.

The ability to campaign well is not necessarily an indication of a politician's ability to govern well.

Describe a specific situation in which the ability of a politician to campaign well might indicate an ability to govern well. Discuss what you think determines when the ability to campaign well is an indication of a politician's ability to govern well and when it is not.

Heroes are ordinary people made heroic by circumstance.

Describe a specific situation in which someone might be heroic because of something other than circumstance. Discuss what you think determines when heroism is dependent on circumstance and when it is not.

Local governments should be allowed to govern free of federal interference.

Describe a specific situation in which local governments should not be allowed to govern free of federal interference. Discuss what you think determines whether or not local governments should be allowed to govern free of federal interference.

Adherence to one's beliefs is often a sign of narrow-mindedness.

Describe a specific situation in which adherence to one's beliefs might not be a sign of narrow-mindedness. Discuss what you think determines when adherence to one's beliefs is a sign of narrow-mindedness and when it is not.

Our belief in an idea only lasts until the introduction of the next idea.

Describe a specific situation in which an idea might continue to be believed even after the introduction of an idea that challenges it. Discuss what you think determines whether or not our belief in an idea will be displaced by a new idea.

In politics, the most popular course of action is usually the correct course of action.

Describe a specific political situation in which the most popular course of action might not be the correct course of action. Discuss what you think determines when the most popular course of action will be the correct course of action.

Successful leadership is a matter of allowing everyone to share responsibility.

Describe a specific political situation in which successful leadership might not be a matter of allowing everyone to share responsibility. Discuss what you think determines when successful leadership is a matter of allowing everyone to share responsibility and when it is not.

An effective leader must possess the ability not only to deal with current problems, but also to anticipate future ones.

Describe a specific situation in which a leader might be effective without anticipating future problems. Discuss what you think determines whether or not it is necessary for a leader to anticipate future problems.

Unity in a democracy often results in conformity.

Describe a specific situation in a democracy when unity might not result in conformity. Discuss what you think determines whether or not unity in a democracy results in conformity.

All laws derive from the moral code of a majority of the people.

Describe a specific situation in which a law might not derive from the moral code of the majority. Discuss what you think determines when the moral code of the majority is the basis of law.

Everyone who commits a crime in our society should be held equally responsible under the law.

Describe a specific situation in which someone who commits a crime might justifiably not be held legally responsible in the same way as others who commit crimes. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a person should be held legally responsible for committing a crime.

Only those politicians who have learned the art of compromise can achieve their political goals.

Describe a specific situation in which a politician might achieve a political goal without compromising. Discuss what you think determines when politicians should compromise to achieve a political goal.

Persons of authority are responsible for the actions of those they oversee.

Describe a specific situation in which a person of authority might justifiably not be responsible for the actions of a subordinate. Discuss what you think determines when persons of authority should be responsible for the actions of those they oversee and when they should not.

Political leaders should make policy according to the opinion of their constituents.

Describe a specific situation in which a political leader might justifiably make policy contrary to the opinion of the constituents. Discuss what you think determines when political leaders should make policy according to the opinion of their constituents and when they should not.

The exercise of political leadership is limited to those holding office.

Describe a specific situation in which the exercise of political leadership might not be limited to those holding office. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the exercise of political leadership is limited to those holding office.

Students are their own best teachers.

Describe a specific situation in which students might not be their own best teachers. Discuss what you think determines when students can be their own best teachers and when they cannot.

History is the record of but a few events, repeated again and again, different only in time and context.

Describe a specific historical event that was or might be unique rather than a repetition of a previous event from a different time and context. Discuss what you think determines when historical events can be said to be unique and when they can be described as repetitions of events from earlier times and contexts.

Students should be more interested in the process of learning than in the facts learned.

Describe a specific situation in which students might be more interested in the facts learned than in the process of learning. Discuss what you think determines when students should be interested in the process of learning and when they should be interested in the facts learned.

In the recording of history, it is impossible to be objective.

Describe a specific situation in which it might be possible to be objective in the recording of history. Discuss what you think determines when objectivity in the recording of history is possible and when it is not.

In advertising, truth is irrelevant.

Describe a specific situation in which truth in advertising might be relevant. Discuss what you think determines when truth in advertising is irrelevant and when it is relevant.

History is the record of humanity's wars.

Describe a specific situation in which history might be the record of something other than humanity's wars. Discuss what you think determines when history should be the record of humanity's wars and when it should be something else.

A politician needs public acceptance to be effective.

Describe a specific situation in which a politician might not have public acceptance and still be effective. Discuss what you think determines when a politician's effectiveness depends on public acceptance and when it does not.

Leadership consists in speaking out when others might keep silent.

Describe a specific situation in which leadership might involve keeping silent. Discuss what you think determines whether a leader should speak out or keep silent.

Politicians too often base their decisions on what will please the voters, not on what is best for the country.

Describe a specific situation in which a politician might make an unpopular decision for the good of the country. Discuss the principles you think should determine whether political decisions should be made to please the voters or to serve the nation.

Political decisions always require careful deliberation.

Describe a specific situation in which a political decision might not require careful deliberation. Discuss what you think determines whether or not political decisions require careful deliberation.

It is sometimes necessary to restrict individual freedom for the sake of social order.

Describe a specific situation in which individual freedom should not be restricted. Discuss what you think determines when individual freedom should take precedence over social order.

Governments have a responsibility to regulate companies that provide necessary services to citizens.

Describe a specific situation in which a government might not have a responsibility to regulate a company that provides a necessary service to citizens. Discuss what you think determines whether or not governments have a responsibility to regulate companies that provide necessary services to citizens.

Alliances between countries are often based on mutual convenience.

Describe a specific situation in which an alliance between countries might be based on something other than mutual convenience. Discuss when you think convenience should determine the basis of an international alliance.

The primary concern of television news today is to entertain rather than to inform.

Describe a specific situation in which the primary concern of television news is or could be to inform. Discuss what you think determines whether the concern of television news should be to entertain or to inform.

For every problem a technological innovation solves, it tends to create another, sometimes greater, problem.

Describe a specific situation in which technology's solving a problem might not create another, greater problem. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the drawbacks of a new technology outweigh its benefits.

In politics, campaign promises are seldom kept after the election is won.

Describe a specific situation in which a campaign promise is likely to be kept after an election is won. Discuss what you think determines whether a particular campaign promise will be kept.

A person who enters public life is necessarily forced to surrender some degree of personal privacy.

Describe a specific situation in which a public figure should not have to surrender personal privacy. Discuss what you think determines when a public figure's personal privacy ought to be surrendered.

A government must sometimes require its citizens to do things they may not want to do.

Describe a specific situation in which a government might not be justified in requiring its citizens to do something they do not want to do. Discuss what you think determines when a government has the right to make its citizens do something they do not want to do.

A country needs enemies, real or imagined, in order to maintain its identity.

Describe a specific situation in which a country might not need an enemy in order to maintain its identity. Discuss what you think determines whether the existence of enemies is necessary for a country to maintain its identity.

Nonconformity is sometimes necessary in order for society to progress.

Describe a specific situation in which nonconformity might impede the progress of society. Discuss what you think determines when nonconformity is beneficial to social progress.

Nations often resist new approaches to solving social problems.

Describe a specific situation in which a nation did or might attempt to solve a social problem with a new approach. Discuss what you think determines when a new approach would be the best way for a nation to solve a social problem.

There are times when an individual's private acts should become a public concern.

Describe a specific situation in which an individual's private acts should not become a public concern. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the acts of an individual should become a public concern.

Formal schooling often proves to be the most important part of learning.

Describe a specific situation in which formal schooling might not be the most important part of learning. Discuss what you think determines whether or not formal schooling is the most important part of learning.

The privileges of citizenship in a democracy involve responsibilities.

Describe a specific privilege of citizenship in a democracy that might not involve responsibility. Discuss what you think determines when privileges of citizenship in a democracy involve responsibilities.

The media's use of unethical investigative practices is never justified.

Describe a specific situation in which the media's use of unethical investigative practices might be justified. Discuss what you think determines when the media's use of unethical investigative practices is justified and when it is not.

In a democracy, a politician should vote according to the will of the constituents.

Describe a specific situation in which a politician might not vote according to the will of the constituents. Discuss what you think determines when a politician should vote according to the will of the constituents.

For a politician, honesty is the surest route to failure.

Describe a specific situation in which a politician's honesty might not lead to failure. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a politician's honesty will lead to failure.

No matter how oppressive a government, violent revolution is never justified.

Describe a specific situation in which violent revolution might be justified. Discuss what you think determines whether or not violent revolution is justified.

Citizens who enjoy a country's benefits during peacetime have a responsibility to support their nation in time of war.

Describe a specific situation in which citizens might justifiably not support their nation in time of war. Discuss what you think determines whether or not citizens should support their nation in time of war.

Society needs the concept of a legal age in order to establish when one should be considered an adult.

Describe a specific situation in which society might reasonably consider someone an adult without using the concept of legal age. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the concept of legal age should be used to establish adulthood.

A country's strength increases in direct proportion to its freedoms.

Describe a specific situation in which a country's strength might not increase in direct proportion to its freedoms. Discuss what you think determines when a country's strength will increase in direct proportion to its freedoms and when it will not.

The power of politicians is often due to their reputations.

Describe a specific situation in which the power of a politician might not be due to reputation. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a politician's power is due to reputation.

A democratic government is never justified in keeping secrets from the voting public.

Describe a specific situation in which the government of a democracy might be justified in keeping a secret from the voters. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a democratic government is justified in keeping secrets from the voters.

Teachers must accept partial responsibility for the failure of any of their students.

Describe a specific situation in which a teacher might justifiably not accept some responsibility for the failure of a student. Discuss what you think determines whether or not teachers should accept some responsibility for the failure of one of their students.

Creativity flourishes best in circumstances where freedom of speech is openly permitted.

Describe a specific situation in which creativity might flourish in circumstances where freedom of speech is not openly permitted. Discuss what you think determines whether or not freedom of speech encourages creativity.

The plurality of opinions in a democratic system often leads to political deadlock.

Describe a specific political situation in which the plurality of opinions might not lead to deadlock. Discuss what you think determines whether or not an abundance of opinions will lead to political deadlock in a democracy.

Too often, politicians are motivated more by personal benefit than by what is best for the country.

Describe a specific situation in which a politician might be motivated more by what is best for the country than by personal benefit. Discuss what you think determines whether politicians are motivated by personal benefit or by what is best for the country.

Laws are not an effective means of achieving social change.

Describe a specific situation in which a law might be an effective means of achieving social change. Discuss what you think determines whether or not laws can effectively bring about social change.

Most people are motivated by emotion rather than reason in political matters.

Describe a specific situation in which people might be motivated by reason rather than emotion in political matters. Discuss what you think determines whether people are motivated by emotion or reason in political matters.

The best politician is the one most removed from politics.

Describe a specific situation in which the best politician might not be the one most removed from politics. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the best politician is the one most removed from politics.

The personal privacy of citizens should be protected from government intrusion.

Describe a specific situation in which government might justifiably intrude upon a citizen's personal privacy. Discuss what you think determines when government has a right to intrude upon citizens' privacy and when it does not have a right to intrude.

A country must use its natural resources in a way agreeable to all its citizens.

Describe a specific situation in which a country might justifiably use its natural resources in a way that is not agreeable to all its citizens. Discuss the principles you think determine when a natural resource should be used in a way agreeable to all its citizens.

In politics, new ideas are often seen as radical ideas.

Describe a specific situation in which a new political idea might not be seen as radical. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a new political idea will be seen as radical.

There are as many versions of history as there are historians.

Describe a specific situation in which the account of a historical event might not vary from historian to historian. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the recording of historical events depends on the historian doing the recording.

Government should not make laws regarding people's personal safety.

Describe a specific situation in which government might justifiably make a law regarding people's personal safety. Discuss what you think determines when government is justified in making laws regarding people's personal safety and when it is not.

A nation's economic aid to a foreign government usually implies an endorsement of that government's policies.

Describe a situation in which a nation might extend economic aid to a foreign government it does not endorse. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a nation's economic aid to a foreign government implies an endorsement of that government's policies.

Politicians should vote according to their beliefs, without worrying about whether their constituents agree with those beliefs.

Describe a specific situation in which a politician should take into account the beliefs of constituents when voting. Discuss what you think determines whether politicians should vote according to their beliefs or those of their constituents.

In politics, resorting to personal attack usually indicates the weakness of one's own position.

Describe a specific political situation in which resorting to personal attack might not be an indication of the weakness of one's own position. Discuss what you think determines when resorting to personal attack in politics is an indication of the weakness of one's own position.

In a democracy, the press has not only the right but the responsibility to report all of the news.

Describe a specific situation in which a free press would be justified in not reporting something. Discuss what you think determines when something should be reported by the press.

Only when public figures admit their mistakes can they earn the public's trust.

Describe a specific situation in which a public figure is trusted despite not admitting a mistake. Discuss what you think determines whether admitting a mistake will gain the public's trust.

Democracy necessarily implies the suppression of some individual interests for the good of society as a whole.

Describe a specific situation in which a democratic government might place individual interests ahead of the good of the whole society. Discuss what you think determines when the good of society should take precedence over the interests of individuals.

In business, competition is superior to cooperation.

Describe a specific situation in which cooperation might be superior to competition. Discuss what you think determines when competition is superior to cooperation in business and when it is inferior.

Freedom of speech should include acts or opinions that may be objectionable to the majority of people.

Describe a specific situation in which an act or opinion objectionable to the majority of the people should not be protected by the right to free speech. Discuss what you think determines when an objectionable act should be protected under freedom of speech.

What is taught in school should be a representation of the best that has been thought and said in the past.

Describe something that should be taught in school but does not represent "the best that has been thought and said in the past." Discuss what you think determines when education should emphasize the past.

When there is a choice between obeying the law and following one's own beliefs, it is best to follow one's beliefs.

Describe a specific situation in which it might not be best to follow one's own beliefs rather than the law. Discuss what you think determines when it is justified to follow one's own beliefs rather than obey a law.

In fulfilling their responsibility to cover all significant news events, the media must take care that the very act of covering an event does not itself create news.

Describe a specific situation in which media coverage of an event might legitimately be newsworthy. Discuss what you think determines when media coverage of an event creates news.

The more people rely on computers, the more people become alienated from one another.

Describe a specific situation in which computers might not alienate people from one another. Discuss what you think determines whether or not computers alienate people from one another.

Today's mobile society often loses in family and community ties what it gains in individual freedom.

Describe a specific situation in which mobility might enhance family or community ties. Discuss what you think determines which is more important to the -, or maintaining family and community ties.

It is not the responsibility of government to provide financial assistance to failing businesses.

Describe a specific situation in which the government should provide financial support to a failing business. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the government should provide support to a failing business.

Developed nations have an obligation to provide aid to the underdeveloped nations of the world.

Describe a specific situation in which a developed nation might not be obligated to provide aid to an underdeveloped nation. Discuss what you think determines when developed nations have an obligation to provide aid to underdeveloped nations.

In a country that fosters freedom of speech, the expression of ideas should never be censored.

Describe a specific situation in which the expression of an idea should be censored, even in a free society. Discuss what you think determines whether an idea should be permitted expression.

Successful political candidates are those in whom the voters see the most flattering image of themselves.

Describe a specific situation in which a successful political candidate might not represent the most flattering image of the voters. Discuss what you think determines when political candidates succeed because of the flattering image they present to voters.

Freedom of speech is an absolute right that must never be limited.

Describe a specific situation in which freedom of speech might justifiably be limited. Discuss what you think determines when freedom of speech should be limited.

The public's right to know must sometimes take precedence over an individual's right to privacy.

Describe a specific situation in which an individual's right to privacy might justifiably take precedence over the public's right to know. Discuss what you think determines when the public's right to know is more important than the individual's right to privacy.

A government has not only the right, but also the responsibility, to regulate what is broadcast over the public airwaves.

Describe a specific situation in which a government might not be justified in regulating what is broadcast over the public airwaves. Discuss what you think determines when a government is justified in regulating what is broadcast over the public airwaves and when it is not.

Persons who have political power should exercise that power to benefit others, not themselves.

Describe a specific situation in which it might be justifiable to exercise political power for personal benefit. Discuss what you think determines when it is appropriate to exercise political power for personal benefit.

Because an opinion is shared by a majority of the people does not necessarily mean the opinion is correct.

Describe a specific situation in which a majority opinion was or might be correct. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a majority opinion is correct.

It is each citizen's duty to obey the laws of the nation.

Describe a specific situation in which a citizen might not have a duty to obey a law. Discuss what you think determines when citizens have a duty to obey the laws of the nation and when they do not.

Democratic nations should offer refuge to citizens of oppressive governments.

Describe a specific situation in which a democratic nation should not offer refuge to citizens of an oppressive government. Discuss what you think determines whether democratic nations should offer refuge to citizens of oppressive governments.

The good of a society depends upon the defense of individual rights.

Describe a specific situation in which the good of a society might not depend upon the defense of individual rights. Discuss what you think determines when the good of a society depends upon the defense of individual rights.

The public's right to information should override the government's need for security.

Describe a specific situation in which the public's right to information might justifiably not override the government's need for security. Discuss what you think determines when the public's right to information should take precedence over the government's need for security.

A researcher must be thorough, painstaking, and disciplined, but also willing to suspend these qualities in order to follow a hunch.

Describe a specific situation in which it might be better for a researcher to follow a hunch. Discuss what you think determines whether a researcher should be disciplined or follow a hunch.

Only a fully informed electorate can vote responsibly.

Describe a specific situation in which a less than fully informed electorate might vote responsibly. Discuss what you think determines how much information is enough to allow for responsible voting.

Scientific inquiry is rooted in the desire to discover, but there is no discovery so important that in its pursuit a threat to human life can be tolerated.

Describe a specific situation in which a threat to human life might be tolerated in the pursuit of scientific discovery. Discuss what you think determines when the pursuit of scientific discovery is more important than the protection of human life.

The purpose of education is often to instill in the individual the established values of society.

Describe a specific situation in which the purpose of education might not be to instill in the individual the established values of society. Discuss the principles that you think determine whether education should instill societal values.

The primary concern of government should be the well-being of its citizens.

Describe a specific situation in which the concern of government might justifiably be something other than its citizens' well-being. Discuss what you think determines when the primary concern of government ought to be the well-being of its citizens.

Success is not a worthy goal when it is achieved at the expense of others.

Describe a specific situation in which a person might be justified in pursuing success at the expense of others. Discuss what you think determines when success should be pursued at the expense of others.

Effective government in a democracy requires that its citizens be fully informed.

Describe a specific situation in which a democratic government might be effective without its citizens being fully informed. Discuss what you think determines whether or not citizens in a democracy must be fully informed in order for government to be effective.

Learning requires keeping an open mind.

Describe a specific situation in which learning might not require keeping an open mind. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a learning situation requires keeping an open mind.

Most advertising is designed to prevent consumers from making rational choices.

Describe a specific situation in which advertising does or might help consumers make rational choices. Discuss what you think determines whether or not advertising prevents customers from making rational choices.

A nation's main concern should be to protect its international business interests.

Describe a specific situation in which a nation might not be concerned with protecting its international business interests. Discuss what you think determines when a nation's main concern should be to protect its international business interests.

A truly democratic society cannot maintain any unjust laws.

Describe a specific situation in which a democratic society might reasonably maintain an unjust law. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a truly democratic society can maintain an unjust law.

Technology designed to make our lives simpler often turns out instead to make our lives more complicated.

Describe a specific situation in which a new technology might not make our lives more complicated. Discuss what you think determines whether a new technology simplifies or complicates our lives.

Only after coming to know another culture can a person truly begin to understand its people.

Describe a specific situation in which it might be possible to understand a people without knowing about their culture. Discuss what you think determines when knowing another culture is necessary for understanding its people.

A just legal system is one that will risk freeing a guilty person before convicting an innocent one.

Describe a specific situation in which a just legal system might risk convicting an innocent person before freeing a guilty one. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a just legal system should risk freeing a guilty person before convicting an innocent one.

Strength of will is a virtue only when its goals and methods are virtuous.

Describe a specific situation in which strength of will might be a virtue even though its goals and methods are not virtuous. Discuss what you think determines whether or not virtuous goals and methods are necessary for strength of will to be considered a virtue.

In a free society, all rights begin with the individual's right to privacy.

Describe a specific right that does not begin with the right to privacy. Discuss the principles you think determine rights in a free society.

Technology solves many problems, but in the process often creates new problems.

Describe a specific situation in which a technology might not create a new problem. Discuss what you think determines when a technology's benefits outweigh its potential problems.

We must obey not only the laws of which we approve, but also those of which we may not approve.

Describe a specific situation in which one who does not approve of a law might justifiably break that law. Discuss what you think determines when it is justified to break a law.

Advances in communication have led to a loss of personal privacy.

Describe a specific situation in which an advance in communication might not lead to a loss of personal privacy. Discuss what you think determines when advances in communication lead to a loss of personal privacy.

A teacher's personal values have little place in the classroom.

Describe a specific situation in which a teacher's personal values might justifiably have a place in the classroom. Discuss what you think determines whether or not teachers should communicate their personal values in the classroom.

Political campaigns often present a false image of the candidate.

Describe a specific situation in which a political campaign did nor might present a true image of a candidate. Discuss what you think determines the degree to which a political campaign presents the truth about a candidate.

Youth and innovation are sometimes more beneficial in politics than age and experience.

Describe a specific situation in which age and experience were or might be more beneficial than youth and innovation. Discuss what factors you think determine when political innovation is more beneficial than experience.

All laws are a form of limitation.

Describe a specific law that is not a form of limitation. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a law acts as a limitation.

Good teaching requires flexibility.

Describe a specific situation in which good teaching might not require flexibility. Discuss what you think determines when flexibility is necessary for good teaching.

Sometimes the civil rights of individuals must be compromised in order to ensure public safety.

Describe a specific situation in which an individual's civil rights might not be compromised in order to ensure public safety. Discuss what you think determines when public safety should outweigh the civil rights of individuals.

Most positive outcomes in politics are the result of skillful planning.

Describe a specific political situation in which a positive outcome might not be the result of skillful planning. Discuss what you think determines whether or not skillful planning in politics will result in positive outcomes.

In a democracy, only those citizens who exercise their democratic responsibilities should be allowed to enjoy the rights of citizenship.

Describe a specific situation in which people in a democracy could justifiably enjoy their rights without exercising their responsibilities. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the rights of citizenship should be limited to citizens who exercise their democratic responsibilities.

Music has the power to entertain, but seldom to educate

Describe a specific situation in which music might have the power to educate. Discuss what you think determines when music has the power to entertain and when it has the power to educate.

We are educated more by our mistakes than by our successes.

Describe a specific situation in which someone might be educated more by success than by mistakes. Discuss what you think determines whether or not one learns more from mistakes than from successes.

In politics, the end rarely justifies the means.

Describe a specific situation in which a political end might justify using questionable means for accomplishing that end. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a political end justifies the means for accomplishing that end.

New technologies often hide problems that are only revealed later.

Describe a specific situation in which the benefits of a new technology might not hide later problems. Discuss what you think determines when the benefits of a new technology outweigh potential problems.

Education should promote learning outside the classroom as well as within.

Describe a specific situation in which education might justifiably not promote learning outside the classroom. Discuss what you think determines whether or not education should foster learning outside the classroom.

Technology may be increasing faster than our ability to use it wisely.

Describe a specific situation in which a new technology might not be beyond our ability to use it wisely. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a new technology can be used wisely.

Innovative methods used by the press to reach a broader audience often end up providing that audience with less information.

Describe a specific situation in which innovative methods used by the press might not end up providing an audience with less information. Discuss what you think determines when innovative methods used by the press to reach a broader audience end up providing less information.

The purpose of law is to maintain order, not to ensure justice.

Describe a specific situation in which the primary purpose of law might be to ensure justice. Discuss what you think determines whether the primary purpose of law should be to maintain order or to ensure justice.

In business, success is often due to the mistakes of others.

Describe a specific situation in which success in business might not be due to the mistakes of others. Discuss what you think determines when success in business is the result of the mistakes of others.

The power of the press depends on the literacy of its readers.

Describe a specific situation in which the power of the press might not depend on the literacy of its readers. Discuss what you think determines when the power of the press is dependent on the literacy of its readers.

Students should be granted the same rights inside school as they possess outside school.

Describe a specific situation in which students might reasonably not be granted a right in school that they are granted outside school. Discuss what you think determines when a right granted to students outside school is justifiably denied them in school.

Only the history of free nations is worthy of study.

Describe a specific situation in which the study of a nation that was or is not free might be worthy of study. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a nation's history is worthy of study.

Justice is best served by truth.

Describe a specific situation in which justice might not be served by truth. Discuss what you think determines whether or not truth serves justice.

The nature of democracy requires that its citizens be dependent upon one another.

Describe a specific situation in which citizens in a democracy might justifiably not be dependent upon one another. Discuss what you think determines when citizens in a democracy should be dependent upon one another.

Violence is sometimes necessary to achieve social change.

Describe a specific situation in which violence might not be necessary to achieve social change. Discuss what you think determines when violence is necessary to achieve social change and when it is not.

In teaching, innovation is often more valuable than tradition.

Describe a specific situation in teaching when innovation might not be more valuable than tradition. Discuss what you think determines whether innovation or tradition is more valuable in teaching.

The strength of a democracy depends upon each citizen's respect for the ideas of others.

Describe a specific situation in which the strength of a democracy might not depend upon its citizens' respect for the ideas of others. Discuss what you think determines when the strength of a democracy depends upon its citizens' respect for the ideas of others.

Innovation is the best path to success in business.

Describe a specific situation in which innovation in business might not be the best path to success. Discuss what you think determines when innovation in business leads to success.

It is in the nature of democracy to reward mediocrity.

Describe a specific situation in which a democracy might not reward mediocrity. Discuss what you think determines when democracy rewards mediocrity.

In a free society, laws must be subject to change.

Describe a specific situation in which a law should not be subject to change in a free society. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a law in a free society should be subject to change.

The essential function of law in a democracy is to protect individual rights.

Describe a specific situation in a democracy when a law might justifiably not protect individual rights. Discuss what you think determines when the function of law in a democracy should be the protection of individual rights.

Stability in society can lead to stagnation.

Describe a specific situation in which stability in society might not lead to stagnation. Discuss what you think determines whether or not stability in society leads to stagnation.

Most financial decisions are made because of greed.

Describe a specific situation in which a financial decision might not be made because of greed. Discuss what you think determines when greed is the basis for making a financial decision.

All human rights involve responsibility.

Describe a specific situation in which a human right might not involve responsibility. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a human right involves responsibility.

Celebrities, having sought fame, lose their right to privacy.

Describe a specific situation in which a celebrity should not lose the right to privacy. Discuss what you think determines whether or not celebrities should lose their right to privacy.

A witness who has something to gain from providing testimony is often lying.

Describe a specific situation in which a witness who has something to gain from providing testimony might not be lying. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a witness who stands to gain from providing testimony will lie.

The success of a business depends on its ability to compete.

Describe a specific situation in which the success of a business might not depend on its ability to compete. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the success of a business depends on its ability to compete.

Once a democracy elects its leaders, citizens should be able to trust those leaders to decide what is best for the country.

Describe a specific situation in which a leader in a democracy might not be fully trusted to decide what is best for the country. Discuss what you think determines whether or not citizens in a democracy can trust their elected leaders to decide what is best for the country.

Objectivity should be the primary goal in reporting the news.

Describe a specific situation in which a news report might justifiably not be completely objective. Discuss what you think determines whether or not objectivity should be the primary goal of news reporting.

Discovery of the truth leads to justice.

Describe a specific situation in which justice might not result from discovery of the truth. Discuss what you think determines whether or not truth leads to justice.

Good government demands that principles must sometimes be compromised.

Describe a specific situation in which good government might not demand that principles be compromised. Discuss what you think determines whether or not good government requires that principles be compromised.

The public is swayed more by new ideas than by good ones.

Describe a specific situation in which the public might be swayed more by a good idea than by a new one. Discuss what you think determines whether the public will be swayed by new ideas or by good ones.

We too often measure our freedom by what we do not have to do rather than by what we should do.

Describe a specific situation in which we might measure our freedom by what we should do. Discuss what you think determines whether we measure our freedom by our obligations or our lack of them.

The way to achieve political success is to promise people that their lives will be better.

Describe a specific situation in which the way to achieve political success might not be to promise people that their lives will be better. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the way to achieve political success is to promise people that their lives will be better.

Almost every great fortune is made at the expense of other people.

Describe a specific situation in which a fortune might be made without harm to other people. Discuss the principles you think determine whether or not fortunes are made at the expense of other people.

A politician's true beliefs are displayed during a crisis.

Describe a specific situation in which a politician's true beliefs might not be displayed during a crisis. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a crisis will bring out a politician's true beliefs.

The newsworthiness of an event often depends on what else happened that day.

Describe a specific situation in which an event would be newsworthy no matter what else happened the same day. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the newsworthiness of an event depends on other events occurring on the same day.

Self-government of a nation depends upon the self-discipline of the individuals of the nation.

Describe a specific situation in which self-government of a nation might not depend upon the self-discipline of the individuals of the nation. Discuss what you think determines when self-government of a nation depends upon the self-discipline of the individuals of the nation.

In politics, the responsible use of power is rewarded with greater power.

Describe a specific situation in which the responsible use of power might not be rewarded with greater power. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the responsible use of power will be rewarded with greater power.

To obey an unjust law is to approve of it.

Describe a specific situation in which obeying an unjust law might not necessarily mean approving of it. Discuss what you think determines when disobeying a law is justified.

Laws cannot change social values.

Write a unified essay in which you perform the following tasks. Explain what you think the above statement means. Describe a specific situation in which a law might change a social value. Discuss what you think determines when laws can change social values and when they cannot.

Compromise demands that each party in the compromise lose something.

Describe a specific situation in which a compromise might not demand that each party in the compromise lose something. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a party will lose something in a compromise.

Ambition in business often leads to more ambition rather than to satisfaction.

Describe a specific situation in which ambition in business might lead to satisfaction rather than to more ambition. Discuss what you think determines whether business ambition leads to more ambition or to satisfaction.

To be successful in business, it is important to appear socially acceptable.

Describe a specific situation in which a person or group was or might be successful in business without appearing socially acceptable. Discuss what you think determines when success in business depends upon appearing socially acceptable.

Good teaching promotes conformity.

Describe a specific situation in which good teaching might not promote conformity. Discuss what you think determines whether or not good teaching promotes conformity.

The best way to fight injustice is to expose it.

Describe a specific situation in which the best way to fight an injustice might not be to expose it. Discuss what you think determines when the best way to fight an injustice is to expose it.

The essential concern of a democracy must be the protection of human rights.

Describe a specific situation in which the concern of a democracy might be something other than the protection of human rights. Discuss what you think determines when the concern of a democracy should be the protection of human rights.

New developments in technology have caused us to become less creative.

Describe a specific situation in which a development might not cause us to become less creative. Discuss what you think determines when new developments in technology cause us to become less creative.

Price is not necessarily a reflection of value.

Describe a specific situation in which price is an accurate reflection of value. Discuss what you think determines when price reflects value and when it does not.

In a democracy, citizens who do not vote cannot affect their nation's political destiny.

Describe a specific situation in which citizens of a democracy who do not vote can affect their nation's political destiny. Discuss what you think determines whether citizens who do not vote can affect the political destiny of a democracy.

Television almost always distorts the way we see the world.

Describe a specific situation in which television might not distort the way we see the world. Discuss what you think determines when television distorts our perception of the world.

In politics, good intentions cannot justify bad actions.

Describe a specific situation in which good intentions in politics might justify a bad action. Discuss what you think determines whether or not good intentions in politics can justify bad actions.

Students should study only what naturally interests them.

Describe a specific situation in which students might study something other than what naturally interests them. Discuss what you think determines when students should study what naturally interests them and when they should not.

Moral principles should be absolute, never affected by the circumstances of a given situation.

Describe a specific situation in which a person's moral principles might be affected by circumstances. Discuss what you think determines when a person's moral principles should be absolute.

A government is obligated to see that the basic needs of its citizens are met.

Describe a specific situation in which a government might not be obligated to see that the basic needs of its citizens are met. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a government is obligated to see that its citizens' basic needs are met.

It is always best to be cautious in financial matters.

Describe a specific situation in which it might be better not to be cautious in a financial matter. Discuss what you think determines whether or not it is best to be cautious in financial matters.

Politicians should maintain ethical standards higher than those of other citizens.

Describe a specific situation in which a politician should not be expected to maintain higher ethical standards than other citizens. Discuss what you think determines when politicians should be expected to maintain higher ethical standards than other citizens and when they should not.

Political decisions made for the sake of a present good may in time prove to be mistakes.

Describe a specific situation in which a political decision made for the sake of a present good might not prove to be a mistake. Discuss what you think determines whether or not political decisions made for the sake of a present good will prove to be mistakes.

Employers should not withhold information from their employees.

Describe a specific situation in which an employer might justifiably withhold information from employees. Discuss what you think determines when employers should withhold information from their employees and when they should not.

Compulsory education often inhibits a student's motivation to learn.

Describe a specific situation in which compulsory education might not inhibit a student's motivation to learn. Discuss what you think determines when compulsory education inhibits a student's motivation to learn and when it does not.

Drastic action is sometimes the only way to bring about political change.

Describe a specific situation in which drastic action might not be the only way to bring about political change. Discuss what you think determines when drastic action is the only way to bring about political change and when it is not.

Citizens of a democracy should always be permitted to express their opinions freely.

Describe a specific situation in which a democratic government might justifiably prevent a citizen from expressing an opinion. Discuss what you think determines when a democratic government should permit its citizens to express their opinions freely and when it should not.

The primary concern of business should be the safety of its employees.

Describe a specific situation in which the primary concern of a business might not be the safety of its employees. Discuss what you think determines when the main concern of a business should be its employees' safety and when it should not.

One must learn discipline before one can learn anything else.

Describe a specific situation in which a person might not need to learn discipline before learning anything else. Discuss what you think determines when a person must learn discipline before learning anything else.

To be effective, social criticism should be directed at issues, not at individuals.

Describe a specific situation in which social criticism directed at an individual might be effective. Discuss what you think determines whether social criticism should be directed at issues or individuals to be effective.

Open-mindedness in a democracy sometimes requires tolerating those things we may find objectionable.

Describe a specific situation in which open-mindedness in a democracy might not require tolerating something we find objectionable. Discuss what you think determines when open-mindedness in a democracy requires tolerating something we may find objectionable and when it does not.

Education occurs when the student has a desire to learn.

Describe a specific situation in which education might occur without the student's having a desire to learn. Discuss what you think determines when education requires that the student have a desire to learn and when it does not.

Action taken for the good of the greatest number can sometimes be detrimental to the interests of the few.

Describe a specific situation in which an action taken for the good of the greatest number might not be detrimental to the interests of the few. Discuss what you think determines whether or not action taken for the good of the greatest number will be detrimental to the interests of the few.

A nation's identity is determined more by what it consumes than by what it creates.

Describe a specific situation in which a nation's identity might be determined more by what it creates than by what it consumes. Discuss what you think determines whether a nation is identified more by what it consumes or by what it creates.

A career-oriented education is not necessarily the best education.

Describe a specific situation in which a career-oriented education might prove to be the best education. Discuss what you think determines when a career-oriented education is the best education and when it is not.

The wisest leaders follow the advice of those around them.

Describe a specific situation in which a wise leader might not follow the advice of others. Discuss what you think determines when it is wise for a leader to follow the advice of others and when it is unwise.

A nation's foreign aid should be directed to help those countries that help themselves.

Describe a specific situation in which a nation's foreign aid might justifiably not be directed to help those countries that help themselves. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a nation's foreign aid should be directed to help those countries that help themselves.

It is not good ideas, but rather personal influence, that leads to success in politics.

Describe a specific situation in which good ideas might lead to success in politics. Discuss what you think determines whether good ideas or personal influence leads to success in politics.

For a leader, good management is often more important than clear policy.

Describe a specific situation in which clear policy might be more important for a leader than good management. Discuss what you think determines whether good management or clear policy is more important for a leader.

The essential aim of law should not be to punish, but to assure fairness for all.

Describe a specific situation in which the essential aim of law might be to punish rather than assure fairness for all. Discuss what you think determines whether the essential aim of law should be to punish or to assure fairness for all.

Public figures have the responsibility to be positive role models in the community.

Describe a specific situation in which a public figure might not have the responsibility to be a positive role model in the community. Discuss what you think determines when public figures have the responsibility to be positive role models in the community and when they do not.

In business, using a successful method for too long may lead to failure.

Describe a specific situation in which continuing to use a successful method might not lead to failure. Discuss what you think determines when using a successful business method for too long leads to failure.

Foreign diplomats should conform to the legal codes of their host countries.

Describe a specific situation in which a foreign diplomat might justifiably not conform to the legal code of a host country. Discuss what you think determines when foreign diplomats should conform to the legal codes of their host countries and when they should not.

Evolution brings about more change than revolutions do.

Describe a specific situation in which revolution might bring about more change than evolution. Discuss what you think determines when evolutions will bring about more change and when revolutions will.

In government, fairness is less important than the appearance of fairness.

Describe a specific situation in which fairness in government might be more important than the appearance of fairness. Discuss what you think determines whether or not fairness in government is less important than the appearance of fairness.

By studying other cultures we increase our understanding of our own culture.

Describe a specific situation in which studying another culture might not increase the understanding of one's own culture. Discuss what you think determines when the study of another culture increases the understanding of one's own culture and when it does not.

A good education is its own reward.

Describe a specific situation in which a good education might not be its own reward. Discuss what you think determines when a good education is its own reward and when it is not.

Political ideas are applicable only to the age that produces them.

Describe a specific situation in which a political idea might not be applicable only to the age that produces it. Discuss what you think determines when political ideas are applicable only to the age that produces them and when they are not.

In a democracy, an indifferent citizenry encourages an indifferent government.

Describe a specific situation in which an indifferent citizenry in a democracy might not encourage an indifferent government. Discuss what you think determines whether an indifferent citizenry in a democracy will or will not encourage an indifferent government.

In times of war, a government may be justified in suspending certain civil liberties.

Describe a specific situation in which a government might not be justified in suspending civil liberties in a time of war. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a government is justified in suspending civil liberties in times of war.

A law passed in the interests of only one part of society is likely to harm the rest of society.

Describe a specific situation in which a law passed in the interests of only one part of society might not be harmful to the rest of society. Discuss what you think determines when laws passed in the interests of one part of society will be harmful to the rest of society and when they will not.

Any business must be concerned with the long-term consequences of its actions.

Describe a specific situation in which a business might justifiably not be concerned with the long-term consequences of its actions. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a business must be concerned about the long-term consequences of its actions.

Truth is an ideal to which all researchers should aspire, but they should never assume they have actually found it.

Describe a specific situation in which researchers might reasonably assume they have found the truth. Discuss what you think determines whether or not researchers can reasonably be said to have found the truth.

A political party's position is often defined by what the party opposes.

Describe a specific situation in which a political party's position might not be defined by what the party opposes. Discuss what you think determines when a political party's position is defined by what the party opposes and when it is not.

A nation's social stability depends upon its economic stability.

Describe a specific situation in which a nation's social stability might depend upon something other than its economic stability. Discuss what you think determines when a country's social stability depends upon its economic stability and when it does not.

Artistic freedom should take precedence over what the government might consider objectionable.

Describe a specific situation in which artistic freedom should not take precedence over what a government might consider objectionable. Discuss what you think determines when artistic freedom should take precedence over what the government might consider objectionable and when it should not.

In times of war, maintaining public support is often the most difficult battle.

Describe a specific situation in which maintaining public support in a time of war might not be difficult. Discuss what you think determines when maintaining public support in times of war is difficult and when it is not.

The main concern of law is the protection of persons, not the protection of property.

Describe a specific situation in which the main concern of a law might be to protect property rather than persons. Discuss what you think determines when the main concern of law is the protection of persons and when it is the protection of property.

In politics, the simple solution to a problem is often the most popular solution.

Describe a specific situation in which a simple solution might not be the most popular solution to a problem. Discuss what you think determines when the simple solution to a problem will be the most popular solution and when it will not.

In government, idealism must sometimes give way to reality.

Describe a specific situation in which idealism in government might not have to give way to reality. Discuss what you think determines when idealism in government should give way to reality.

Education comes not from books but from practical experience.

Describe a specific situation in which books might educate students better than practical experience. Discuss what you think determines when practical experience provides a better education than books do.

Television news should be expected to present both sides of an issue.

Describe a specific situation in which television news might not be expected to present both sides of an issue. Discuss what you think determines when television news should be expected to present both sides of an issue and when it should not.

Politicians who are motivated by their own personal popularity are not true leaders.

Describe a specific situation in which a politician motivated by popularity might be a true leader. Discuss what you think determines when a politician motivated by popularity can be a true leader.

In politics, appearing decisive is more important than actually making decisions.

Describe a specific situation in which making decisions in politics might be more important than appearing decisive. Discuss what you think determines when it is more important in politics to appear decisive and when it is more important to make decisions.

The best laws derive from rational thought rather than emotion.

Describe a specific situation in which a good law might derive from emotion rather than rational thought. Discuss what you think determines when the best laws derive from rational thought and when they derive from emotion.

In international diplomacy, what is said is less important than how it is said.

Describe a specific situation in which something said in international diplomacy might be more important than how it is said. Discuss what you think determines whether or not what is said in international diplomacy is less important than how it is said.

The function of the press should be to report only the facts of daily events, not to influence the public's opinion about those facts.

Describe a specific situation when the press might be justified in attempting to influence the public's opinion. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the press should attempt to influence public opinion.

The benefits of a competitive society extend only to those willing to compete.

Describe a specific situation in which someone not willing to compete might benefit in a competitive society. Discuss what you think determines when the benefits of a competitive society extend only to those willing to compete.

Social justice can occur only when people accept the equality of others.

Describe a specific situation in which social justice might occur without people accepting the equality of others. Discuss what you think determines whether or not social justice can occur only when people accept the equality of others.

The way something is sold is often more important than what is being sold.

Describe a specific situation in which what is being sold might be more important than the way it is sold. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the way something is sold is more important than what is being sold.

History is a record of the struggle between opposing ideologies.

Describe a specific situation in which history might not be a record of the struggle between opposing ideologies. Discuss what you think determines when history is a record of the struggle between opposing ideologies and when it is not.

In business, it takes money to make money.

Describe a specific situation in business where it might not take money to make money. Discuss what you think determines when it takes money to make money in business and when it does not.

A nation's ability to survive is often dependent upon its military strength.

Describe a specific situation in which a nation's ability to survive might not depend on its military strength. Discuss what you think determines when a nation's ability to survive is dependent upon its military strength.

A teacher's job is not to provide the right answers, but to ask the right questions.

Describe a specific situation in which a teacher's job might be to provide the right answers. Discuss what you think determines when a teacher's job is to ask the right questions and when it is to provide the right answers.

To serve justice, a judge must be compassionate.

Describe a specific situation in which a judge might serve justice without being compassionate. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a judge must be compassionate in order to serve justice.

The ideals that soldiers defend often differ from the ideals of those who send them into battle.

Describe a specific situation in which the ideals that soldiers defend might be the same as the ideals of those who send them into battle. Discuss what you think determines when the ideals that soldiers defend differ from the ideals of those who send them into battle and when they are the same.

In politics, one's friends and one's enemies are often the same.

Describe a specific political situation in which one's friends and one's enemies might not be the same. Discuss what you think determines whether or not one's friends in politics are also one's enemies.

No branch of government should have more power than another branch.

Describe a specific situation in which one branch of government might justifiably have more power than another branch. Discuss what you think determines when one branch of government should not have more power than another branch and when it should.

In business, the notion of progress is often just an excuse for making more money.

Describe a specific situation in which progress might not simply be an excuse for making more money. Discuss what you think determines whether or not progress is used as an excuse for making more money in business.

Once elected, a politician's only goal is to stay in office.

Describe a specific situation in which a politician might have a goal other than to stay in office. Discuss what you think determines when staying in office becomes the sole objective of a politician and when it does not.

The best policy for a nation is to exert a strong foreign influence.

Describe a specific situation in which the best policy for a nation might not be to exert a strong foreign influence. Discuss what you think determines when a nation should exert a strong foreign influence and when it should not.

The news media should report only what the public wants to know.

Describe a specific situation in which the news media might report something other than what the public wants to know. Discuss what you think determines when the news media should report what the public wants to know and when they should not.

The role of a political opposition is to criticize the policies of those in power.

Describe a specific situation in which the role of a political opposition might be something other than to criticize the policies of those in power. Discuss what you think determines when the role of a political opposition should be to criticize the policies of those in power and when it should not.

Employees should have the same right to privacy in the workplace as they do outside the workplace.

Describe a specific situation in which an employee should not have the same right to privacy in the workplace as outside it. Discuss what you think determines whether or not employees should have the same right to privacy inside the workplace as they do outside it.

Politicians achieve success by appealing to the needs of voters rather than the beliefs of voters.

Describe a specific situation in which a politician might achieve success by appealing to the voters' beliefs rather than their needs. Discuss what you think determines when politicians can achieve success by appealing to voters' needs and when they can achieve success by appealing to voters' beliefs.

A democratic government must provide equal opportunity for all citizens.

Describe a specific situation in which a democratic government might not have to provide equal opportunity for all its citizens. Discuss what you think determines when democratic governments must provide equal opportunity for all citizens and when they need not.

Plans for achieving social justice can succeed only when those affected give their approval.

Describe a specific situation in which a plan for achieving social justice might succeed without approval by those affected. Discuss what you think determines whether or not plans for achieving social justice can succeed only when approved by those affected.

Although it claims to promote individuality, most advertising promotes conformity.

Describe a specific situation in which advertising might promote individuality rather than conformity. Discuss what you think determines whether advertising promotes individuality or conformity.

Education should emphasize learning about the world as it is.

Describe a specific situation in which education might emphasize something other than learning about the world as it is. Discuss what you think determines when education should emphasize learning about the world as it is and when it should not.

In achieving political compromise, a rational argument is more effective than a threat to disrupt order.

Describe a specific situation in which a threat to disrupt order might be more effective than a rational argument in achieving a political compromise. Discuss what you think determines whether a rational argument or a threat to disrupt order is more effective in achieving political compromise.

Adaptation is necessary for success in business.

Describe a specific situation in which adaptation might not be necessary for success in business. Discuss what you think determines when adaptation is necessary for success in business and when it is not.

Groups that attempt to influence government policy are only interested in benefiting themselves.

Describe a specific situation in which a group attempting to influence government policy might be interested in benefiting others. Discuss what you think determines when groups attempting to influence government policy do so for their own benefit and when they do so for the benefit of others.

In education, the newest way is not always the best way.

Describe a specific situation in education when the "newest way" might in fact be the best way. Discuss what you think determines whether or not innovation in education is an improvement.

The best education teaches students to question authority.

Describe a specific situation in which education might teach students to respect authority. Discuss what you think determines when education should teach students to question authority and when it should teach them to respect authority.

Punishment without rehabilitation is unjust.

Describe a specific situation in which punishment without rehabilitation might be just. Discuss what you think determines whether punishment without rehabilitation is just or unjust.

The public has the right to know about the private lives of public officials.

Describe a specific situation in which the public might not have the right to know about the private life of a public official. Discuss what you think determines when the public has the right to know about the private lives of public officials and when it does not.

The more wealth a nation possesses, the more personal liberty it offers its citizens.

Describe a specific situation in which the personal liberty of citizens might not depend on a nation's wealth. Discuss what you think determines when the personal liberty of citizens depends on a nation's wealth and when it does not.

In business, quick solutions often do not address the real source of a problem.

Describe a specific business situation when a quick solution might address the real source of a problem. Discuss what you think determines when quick solutions in business address the real source of a problem and when they do not.

Those who own land have the right to do with it as they choose.

Describe a specific situation in which someone who owns land might not have the right to do as they choose with it. Discuss what you think determines whether or not those who own land have the right to do with it as they choose.

To master technology is to become enslaved by it.

Describe a specific situation in which mastering technology might not mean becoming enslaved by it. Discuss what you think determines whether or not mastering technology means becoming enslaved by it.

Progress seldom comes from the deliberations of a group. Rather, progress most often comes from the creative thinking of individuals working alone.

Describe a specific situation in which progress might come from the deliberations of a group rather than the creative thinking of individuals working alone. Discuss what you think determines whether the deliberations of a group or the creative thinking of individuals working alone will result in progress.

In a truly free and open society, censorship of the press can never be justified.

Describe a specific situation when, in a free and open society, censorship of the press might be justified. Discuss what you think determines when censorship of the press can be justified in a free and open society and when it cannot.

The object of education should be to teach skills, not values.

Describe a specific situation in which the object of education might be teaching values rather than skills. Discuss what you think determines when the object of education is to teach skills and when it is to teach values.

A government's use of force to maintain social order is sometimes justified.

Describe a specific situation in which a government's use of force to maintain social order might not be justified. Discuss what you think determines when a government's use of force to maintain social order is justified and when it is not.

Creative inspiration, rather than careful planning, often results in the best solution to a problem.

Describe a specific situation in which careful planning might result in the best solution to a problem. Discuss what you think determines whether creative inspiration or careful planning can best solve a problem.

No country should interfere with the internal politics of another country.

Describe a specific situation in which a country might justifiably interfere with the internal politics of another country. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a country should interfere with another country's internal politics.

Granting mercy is sometimes the best way for a judge to serve justice.

Describe a specific situation in which granting mercy might not be the best way for a judge to serve justice. Discuss what you think determines when granting mercy serves justice and when it does not.

Any restriction of individual freedom in a society is unjustified.

Describe a specific situation in which the restriction of individual freedom in a society might be justified. Discuss what you think determines when the restriction of individual freedom in a society is justified and when it is not.

An orderly society must never compromise in matters of law.

Describe a specific situation in which an orderly society might justifiably compromise in matters of law. Discuss what you think determines when an orderly society should compromise in matters of law and when it should not.

In teaching, praise motivates better than criticism.

Describe a specific situation in teaching when praise might not motivate better than criticism. Discuss what you think determines whether praise or criticism will be a better motivator in teaching.

A business's main purpose should be to make a profit.

Describe a specific situation in which the main purpose of a business might justifiably be something other than making a profit. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the main purpose of a business should be to make a profit.

Concerned individuals are often better than the government at solving society's problems.

Describe a specific situation in which the government might be better than concerned individuals at solving a social problem. Discuss what you think determines whether the government or concerned individuals will be better at solving social problems.

Caution is often the best guide for government.

Describe a specific situation in which caution might not be the best guide for government. Discuss what you think determines when caution is the best guide for government and when it is not.

Crimes committed by individuals should also be considered crimes when committed by governments.

Describe a specific situation in which a crime committed by an individual might not be considered a crime when committed by a government. Discuss what you think determines whether or not crimes committed by individuals should also be considered crimes when committed by governments.

A democratic government loses continuity of leadership by holding regular elections.

Describe a specific situation in which a democratic government might not lose continuity of leadership despite regular elections. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a democratic government loses continuity of leadership by holding regular elections.

In politics, loyalty always shifts.

Describe a specific situation in politics where loyalty might not shift. Discuss what you think determines when political loyalty will shift and when it will not.

Politicians often achieve their goals by ignoring the needs of their constituents.

Describe a specific situation in which a politician might achieve a political goal without ignoring the needs of the constituents. Discuss what you think determines whether or not politicians can achieve political goals by ignoring the needs of constituents.

A law must be enforced to be effective.

Describe a specific situation in which a law might not be enforced and still be effective. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a law must be enforced to be effective.

Environmental concerns should always take priority over economic concerns.

Describe a specific situation in which environmental concerns might not justifiably take priority over economic concerns. Discuss what you think determines whether environmental or economic concerns should have priority.

Modern transportation is often more concerned with speed than with safety.

Describe a specific situation in which modern transportation was or might be concerned more with safety than with speed. Discuss what you think determines when modern transportation should be concerned with speed and when it should be concerned with safety.

In politics, money equals power.

Describe a specific political situation in which money might not equal power. Discuss what you think determines when money equals power in politics and when it does not.

Displaying intelligence can sometimes be a politician's downfall.

Describe a specific situation in which displaying intelligence might not be a politician's downfall. Discuss what you think determines whether or not displaying intelligence will be a politician's downfall.

The study of history is more an art than a science.

Describe a specific situation in which the study of history might be more of a science than an art. Discuss what you think determines whether the study of history is more an art or a science.

The surest way to political success is to offer hope to the voters.

Describe a specific situation in which offering hope to the voters might not lead to political success. Discuss what you think determines when offering hope to the voters will lead to political success and when it will not.

The surest way to win an election is to avoid scandal.

Describe a specific situation in which avoiding scandal might not be the surest way to win an election. Discuss what you think determines whether or not avoiding scandal is the surest way to win an election.

In a free society, individuals must be allowed to do as they choose.

Describe a specific situation in which individuals in a free society should not be allowed to do as they choose. Discuss what you think determines when a free society is justified in restricting an individual's actions.

A leader cannot act fairly and at the same time please everyone.

Describe a specific situation in which a leader might act fairly and still please everyone. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a leader's acting fairly can please everyone.

In politics, inaction is often the wisest action.

Describe a specific situation in which action in politics might be wiser than inaction. Discuss what you think determines whether action or inaction in politics is wiser.

Praise teaches better than criticism.

Describe a specific situation in which praise might not teach better than criticism. Discuss what you think determines whether praise or criticism teaches better.

Wealthy politicians cannot offer fair representation to all the people.

Describe a specific situation in which a wealthy politician might offer fair representation to all the people. Discuss what you think determines whether a wealthy politician can or cannot offer fair representation to all the people.

The most successful political leaders are those who flatter their constituents.

Describe a specific situation in which a political leader might gain success without flattering the constituents. Discuss what you think determines when political leaders gain success by flattering their constituents and when they do not.

Social injustice is best overcome by ensuring economic opportunity for all.

Describe a specific situation in which a social injustice might not be best overcome by ensuring economic opportunity for all. Discuss what you think determines when social injustice is best overcome by ensuring economic opportunity for all and when it is not.

To purchase a country's products is to support its politics.

Describe a specific situation in which purchasing a country's products might not necessarily mean supporting its politics. Discuss what you think determines when purchasing a country's products supports its politics and when it does not.

Receiving a political endorsement can be as harmful as it is helpful.

Describe a specific situation in which receiving a political endorsement might not be harmful. Discuss what you think determines when political endorsements are harmful and when they are helpful.

Elected officials should not appoint their friends to positions of political power.

Describe a specific situation in which an elected official might justifiably appoint a friend to a position of political power. Discuss what you think determines whether or not elected officials should appoint their friends to positions of political power.

It is better to tolerate minor defects in the law than to change it.

Describe a specific situation in which it might be better to change the law than to tolerate minor defects in it. Discuss what you think determines when it is better to tolerate minor defects in the law than to change it and when it is better to change it.

In a democracy, elections are the surest way to bring about political change.

Describe a specific situation in which an election might not be the surest way to bring about political change in a democracy. Discuss what you think determines when elections are the surest way to bring about political change in a democracy and when they are not.

Social order is better achieved by establishing laws than by trusting citizens to use their freedom wisely.

Describe a specific situation in which social order might be better achieved by trusting citizens to use their freedom wisely than by establishing laws. Discuss what you think determines when social order is better achieved by establishing laws and when it is better achieved by trusting citizens to use their freedom wisely.

Too many politicians turn public matters into private gains.

Describe a specific situation in which a politician might not turn a public matter into a private gain. Discuss what you think determines whether or not politicians will turn public matters into private gains.

Law enforcement is more a matter of justice than of politics.

Describe a specific situation in which law enforcement might be primarily a matter of politics rather than justice. Discuss what you think determines when law enforcement is a matter of justice and when it is a matter of politics.

Government policy should be directed at addressing the needs of the present.

Describe a specific situation in which government policy might be directed at addressing concerns of the future rather than the needs of the present. Discuss what you think determines when government policy should be directed at addressing present needs and when it should be directed addressing future concerns.

The role of technology should be to improve human life, but not to affect human values.

Describe a specific situation in which technology might justifiably affect human values. Discuss what you think determines whether or not technology should affect human values.

Progress often complicates as much as it simplifies.

Describe a specific situation in which progress might simplify more than it complicates. Discuss what you think determines whether progress complicates or simplifies.

The historical significance of an event often cannot be determined without the perspective afforded by the passage of time.

Describe a specific situation in which the historical significance of an event might be determined without the perspective afforded by the passage of time. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the passage of time is necessary to judge the historical significance of an event.

A truly free and open society must tolerate even the most radical dissent.

Describe a specific situation in which a free and open society should not tolerate radical dissent. Discuss what you think determines whether a free society should tolerate or suppress dissent.

Revolutions often destroy more than they create.

Describe a specific situation in which a revolution might create more than it destroyed. Discuss what you think determines whether revolutions will be destructive or creative.

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