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6 week intensive MCAT prep

Guest treehuggingbiologist

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Guest circusgirl

I'd go crazy studying the MCAT so intensely in such a short amount of time, being surrounded by the same intense people day in, day out, for a full 6 weeks... for me, I NEEDED my job and extracurriculars during the summer to take my mind off the MCAT and keep me sane. definitely not for me. But I'm sure there are people who learn best this way (or at least think they'll learn best this way), I guess.

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Guest Jochi1543

Ummmm, 8 grand? Think of all the professional certifications you could get for this money.:rollin


I would doubt the mental health of anybody who'd consider this.:rollin

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Guest Steve MD09

Heh, MCAT camp. That's a new concept. Anyone who requires that much structure to prepare for the MCAT wouldn't stand a chance in medical school.

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Guest happy2bme

That is ridiculous. 6 weeks of intensive studying for 8o oo

US dollars no less!


Being in a good deal of debt without even applying never sounds like a good plan!


For that price they better guarantee a 40S or higher!


Well there will always be little johnny or susie with parents that have deep pockets and will fork it over...The rest of us will be working or still going to school and fitting in a couple hours here and there and be satified with our 29-34 Q.

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Wouldn't the kind of people dedicated enough to lock themselves in with an army of stressed out nerds for cramming bootcamp also be dedicated enough NOT to try to cram for such an important test to them?

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Guest treehuggingbiologist

Can you imagine how good the money would be in that situation though? Yes, you have to deal with incredibly stressed out nerds, but they (probably) pay for your food and accomodation, as well as for you to be available from 8am to 11pm for six weeks. Plus, its probably a really nice scenic place too so it'd be like camp. Except mucho stressfulo.

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Guest PreyOnWords

I think this whole MCAT camp thing should be tossed out the door. If you have 8000$ to blow on a camp to study for an exam, your wasting your time! What ever happened to studying like normal people, you know like having a job and studying on nights and weekends. If you want to take an intensive course (4 nights a week) take the princeton review course. I sure as he#%! did not pay for it (1400$) but I used the books they wrote and they are infinitely more helpful than Kaplan was (I wrote the exam twice. I found princeton review books to present information in a nature that facilitates its application). My advice for any of you if you are willing to attend this camp is take the 8000$ and take a normal class (or just buy the books) and use the remaining cash on things less frivolous (like an MRI scan to figure out why you ever considered this option in the first place). Good luck in your final decision......

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