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study one section at a time?


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I know a lot of the review courses are structured so that you study a bit of each section periodically. However, since alot of chemistry and physics builds upon earlier concepts, it seems counterproductive to switch back and forth, rather than plowing through while the information is still fresh.


I know everyone has their different opinions on the matter, but i've been looking around for prime MCAT study schedules. For instance, if someone has 8 hours a day to commit to studying, what have you guys found is the most efficient way to go about it (for you anyway)?

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If someone has 8 hours a day to study, I can't help but think they'll go insane.


I'm doing one gross section at a time, ie. Biological sciences or Physical sciences. Each for one month slots. If I'm doing physical sciences, say, I'll study physics straight until I can do it no longer (one week?), then switch to chem, then back and forth. I also make sure I do a VR test every weekend along with the test for whatever science part I'm studying.


However, if you have trouble with VR, I'd make a specific schedule for VR alone.


This of course only works for me, because at this point I only study 0-2 hours a day, and come summer, I'll only have 3 hours a day in which I'm not working. I can't imagine 8 hours - that's a full time job! I hope you get your 45T!

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Guest circusgirl

I hardly had an 8 hour block to study while preparing, but if I were to, I'd break it up- do one subject/a couple of chapters for a few hours, then switch over to something totally unrelated. I know I'd get bored studying the same subject for the whole day.


about 8-hour blocks of studying, though, I personally would choose 3-hour blocks spread over a longer period of time (ie. begin prepping earlier) than 8-hour blocks either the whole way through (you'll get burnt out and bored!) or leading up to the test date.


whatever you do, take LOTS OF BREAKS.


good luck!

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Guest treehuggingbiologist

I agree with Circusgirl. Take longer, but do it over more time. The MCAT is more about being able to tackle questions than *actual* knowledge. If you go in with little to no knowlegde about a subject, you can still do well provided you can tackle questions. If you want to know how i divided up my time, pm me and i'll be more than happy to answer.

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Thanks guys. I definately don't have 8 hours a day to study, nor have i ever studied for longer than 8 hours on anything (except the night before an exam). I'm TERRIBLE at chemistry though, and since it's represented in both science sections, i'm worried that switching between subjects will result in my forgetting what i had learned.

Was just hoping there's no disadvantage to plowing through each topic one at a time.

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Guest Jeesing

The way i tried to retain the information i studied was by studying a section, such as magnetism, move on to something new, and a couple of hours later Id do topical tests or quizzes on magnetism, the first subjects i was studying. I also quickly reread certain chapters that i didnt retain very well or I had difficulty in.


Personally i flipped between studying different subjects because after a certain time focusing on one subject i would be mentally exhausted and wouldnt be able to study effectively for that subject anymore.

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