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Should I write in April as a 'practice run' for August?

Guest tbaypremed

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Guest tbaypremed

I've been reading the boards for a while, but now I need some advice from those who are more experienced.


I'm planning on applying to meds next year, and I have yet to write my MCAT. Now, I was planning to write it in August, when I'll have time to study, but it was suggested that I write the April sitting first to "get the feel of it" even though I'll have little prep time.


I've heard that most people write the MCAT better on their second attempt, but I wonder if it would be worthwhile.


Does anyone have an advice? Thanks

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Guest try2dstress

i say wait until august. there are plenty of practise tests out there that you can do to get the 'feel' of what the MCAT is like, and this way if you do poorly it won't go on your record (and it won't cost you close to $300!). if you study hard and are motivated you will probably do just fine the first time you write it. i'm definitley not the authority on this, but that would be what i would do. hope that helps and good luck!

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Guest Steve MD09
I've heard that most people write the MCAT better on their second attempt, but I wonder if it would be worthwhile.
That's not really true. The AAMC publishes data on score changes for 'retesters' at www.aamc.org/students/mca...tables.htm

There are lots of people who get the same or lower scores after retaking the test.


There really is no reason to sit for a real MCAT to 'prepare'. If you try your best on your first attempt, there's nothing preventing you from doing well.

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Guest peachy

If I were you, I'd write a practice test first before deciding on anything. You may find that you need tons of studying so there's no point in bothering in April, or you may find that you're nearly there and with a little luck the April one could be good enough. But you won't know until you do a practice exam.

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Guest Madz25

I know someone who did worse the 2nd time around.


I would look into the schools that you're interested in because some schools look at ALL writings of the MCAT. You don't want your 'practice' run to hurt you in the end.


I would suggest you do a timed mock MCAT instead of wasting $200 or so to write the real one.



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Guest treehuggingbiologist

I agree with the other posters. Don't stress about writing the April exam - no sense having a bad score - its better to have one good score than one bad one and one good one. Plus there are tons of old exams you can do to get a better idea.

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