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MCAT Prep query

Guest Ahimsa

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I am a non-science student who is looking to apply to medical school within the next couple of years. As I am studying full time during the school year (and my program provides me with no room to take science pre-reqs), I am faced with a dilemma.


I am planning to apply to schools that do not require specific science pre-reqs, however, I nonetheless realize that I will have to write the MCAT (for schools other than Ottawa and MAC). Taking science courses in the summer to prepare for the MCAT is something I am considering, however, due to time and money constraints, I was wondering if there were any alternative approaches.


Could I simply take a prep course in lieu of taking the actual credit courses? Would it be possible to study independently for the MCAT without taking the actual courses?


Your advice is much appreciated!



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The MCAT tests primarily final-year of high school level science. If you took Bio, Physics and Chem at high school, you would likely be okay with a prep course and/or some serious self-studying.


You don't need to have done science at university... I would recommend that you get an MCAT practice exam, sit down and do it, and see how you feel. It will help you identify significant weaknesses. You may find that you are fine with the physics for example, but that the chem is really rough. Then you can focus your studying and decide where you need to spend significant effort (ie potentially take a course). Don't forget that you could always audit a science course during the regular school year. You wouldn't get to do the labs, but you could sit through the lectures and follow along with the assignments. This would get around your no elective time problem.

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