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August 2005 scores are in!

Guest arjuna83

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Guest arjuna83

Woohoo! I got a 36R!


Verbal Reasoning (VR): 11 Percentile Range: 84.0 - 94.6

Physical Sciences (PS): 12 Percentile Range: 91.3 - 95.8

Writing Sample (WS): R Percentile Range: 91.0 - 96.9

Biological Sciences (BS): 13 Percentile Range: 95.8 - 98.7

Total Score: 36R Percentile Range: 96.3 - 97.6


Good luck to everybody who wrote it!

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Guest antisera

Verbal Reasoning (VR): 10 Percentile Range: 68.7 - 83.9

Physical Sciences (PS): 11 Percentile Range: 82.8 - 91.2

Writing Sample (WS): Q         Percentile Range: 71.1 - 90.9

Biological Sciences (BS): 12 Percentile Range: 90.2 - 95.7

Total Score: 33Q Percentile Range: 89.1 - 91.9


I've been panicking for the past few hours and refreshing that when they showed up I screamed :D I'm happy with my scores, congrats arjuna83 - 36 is amazing!

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PS 8

VR 11

BS 9



i dunno if i can even get in at manitoba with scores like this. ugh. i really had a feeling my ps was gonna be bad, but this is quite a bit worse than what i imagined.

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Guest arjuna83

Thanks Antisera....you haven't done that bad yourself. Congrats! :D


Lets add some further stats to this:


1. Score:


2. What attempt?


3. Your Practice Score Range:


4. What you used to Study:


I'll start:


1. Score:


Verbal Reasoning (VR): 11 Percentile Range: 84.0 - 94.6

Physical Sciences (PS): 12 Percentile Range: 91.3 - 95.8

Writing Sample (WS): R Percentile Range: 91.0 - 96.9

Biological Sciences (BS): 13 Percentile Range: 95.8 - 98.7

Total Score: 36R Percentile Range: 96.3 - 97.6


2. What attempt?


2nd. During the first attempt (August 2003 - just completed 1st year) I got:


Verbal Reasoning (VR): 09 Percentile Range: 52.2 - 67.7

Physical Sciences (PS): 13 Percentile Range: 96.0 - 98.7

Writing Sample (WS): Q Percentile Range: 70.0 - 86.9

Biological Sciences (BS): 09 Percentile Range: 46.4 - 64.4

Total Score: 31Q Percentile Range: 82.3 - 86.4


3. Your Practice Score Range:


32-34 (quite consistent)


4. What you used to Study:


Examkrackers! Their material was great. I used the EK study guides, Audio osmosis and mini-mcats. I also got the AAMC practice tests.

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Guest kaymcee

1. Score:

32Q (PS 11, VR 10, BS 11)


2. What attempt?

This was my first (and last) attempt.


3. Your Practice Score Range:

I was getting between 30 and 33 on most everything (3R, 4R, 5R, 6R, ExamKrackers 1g).


4. What you used to Study:

ExamKrackers. I HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend them for students with a background in sciences. It tells you what you need to know, and only what you need to know. (When it gives you more than what the MCAT expects, it explicitly states so.) It's definitely a "refresh your memory" rather than a "learn from scratch" method.


And way to go arjuna83 and antisera!

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Guest leviathan

My initial maniacal excitement has dwindled, but I'm still happy and chugging back a beer!


PS - 10

VR - 11

BS - 11

Writing - Q



I had absolutely no idea how I was going to do, so I'm VERY relieved...I almost started to cry from relief / happiness. :D

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Guest Scholastica

PS: 11

VR: 9

BS: 12

Writing: Q



This was my 2nd attempt. My first MCAT scores were just laughable - 9/4/9/P.


I took a princeton review course (way better than Kaplan in my opinion. I had amazing teachers...) and bought an Examcrackers verbal 101 and practiced verbal almost every day. After all, 4->9 is a great imrpovement. heehee :)


My practice test scores weren't that great or even consistent. I used to get low/mid 20s in June/early July 8o and I started to get 30s in late July/early August. But before the actual MCAT, I took 10 days off from work and studied... maybe that helped?


Congrats to all!! :)

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Guest arjuna83

yeah that 4 - 9 improvement in Verbal is great Scholarstica! congrats!


and congrats to all those who posted. I'm glad you all achieved what you wanted (or better!).

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had form BN

VR 8

PS 14


BS 11


Total: 33Q


I'm very pissed bout fackin verbal. Practice scores were consistently 35-37. PS and BS were pretty much exactly what i expected, VR was definitely 3 points lower than most my practice tests. very pissed off right now, fackin 8 in verbal....very pissed......

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Guest Stevie Boy Wonder

Oo found the right thread :D



14 Physical Science -98.9-99.7

10 Verbal - 68.7-83.9 (dang verbal)

13 Biological Science - 95.8-98.7

R Writing - 91.0-96.9

Overall 37R: - 97.7 - 98.6


First Attempt.


Practice Score range was usually close to 33.


Used Kaplan :D 2 weeks of 8 hours a day studying wasn't enough to get through 30% of all their material! Pretty good in my opinion.

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Guest red devil 85

33 P


13 BS


11 VR


9 PS


That is consistant with my practise scores (32-35)


However the PS is lower, in practise i was getting 10's and 11's.


Do you guys think i should re-write to boost PS or leave it as is?

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Guest Melisende

Verbal Reasoning: 11 Percentile Range: 84.0-94.6

Physical Sciences: 13 Percentile Range: 95.9-98.8

Writing Sample: P Percentile Range: 58.2-71.0

Biological Sciences: 12 Percentile Range: 90.2-95.7

Total Score: 36P Percentile Range: 96.3 - 97.6


This was my first attempt. I took a Kaplan review course, found it very useful. My practice scores were around 34-35 very consistent. Woohoo!

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Guest Yangzie

Hey yall,


Came back home at around 11:30 and checked.


Pretty happy with score 33Q:

PS: 11 (was very surprised considering I thought it was much tougher than the practices)

VR: 9

BS: 13



It was my first attempt and probably my last as well


Took PR course while doing an NSERC...summer was a lot of work...much more stressful than academic years.


I did pretty mediocre in practices-scores consistently fell b/w 28-30...and VR rarely got above a 9. I did hardcore VR for 3 days prior to writing...didn't even look at sciences, but it certainly paid off since 9 is the cutoff point for most med scoos.


Highly recommend PR to those of you who enjoy the competitive atmosphere...it made it that much more bearable.


Congratulations to all of you who are happy with your marks. Also, don't give up hope to those who who will be rewriting! It can be done!

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1. 37Q (whew! I thought I bombed the writing samples!)

PS 14

VR 11

BS 12


2. 1st attempt


3. My practice scores from princeton were around 10-11 for VR and BS, 12-13 for PS.


4. Princeton course + Examkrackers study package.

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Guest dayne67

1. I got 30O (10PS, 10V, 10 BS).


2. This was my second attempt. My first time around I got

26N (10PS, 7V, 9BS), and it totally crushed my chances of

even getting an interview.


3. My practice scores were between 30-33 on AAMC and

Kaplan practice tests.


4. I used Kaplan and AAMC materials. I did seven Kaplan

tests. I did AAMC tests (4-8). I also did Kaplan's

seperate verbal reasoning tests, which I thought were

more similar to the AAMC materials and the actual MCAT

verbal section than their comprehensive tests.


I am happy with my score. A four point improvement is pretty good IMO. And I increased my verbal score by three points with all that extra hard work.

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Guest antisera

To add, this was my first attempt. I used the Kaplan study book & purchased the AAMC exams. I studied about an hour a day for May - July and then studied as much as I could after work throughout August.

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1. Score:


VR 10

BS 12

PS 12


2. What attempt?

Second attempt. I am very excited since last year my score was 25R (VR 8, BS 9, PS 8)


3. Your Practice Score Range:



4. What you used to Study:

AAMC exams, Kaplan exams, Kaplan review notes, and textbooks. I spent about 2 months going through all the material cited by AAMC for the exam and then for about a month and a half, I just did exams. I think the key to my drastic improvement was the thousands of practice questions I did before the exam. The first time I took the MCAT, I basically only studied.

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Guest starry234

Hey, I'm not sure whether to be happy or sad about my score. Its kind of bittersweet.


1. My score:



VR 9

BS 11

PS 8


2. What attempt?

First attempt.


3. Your Practice Score Range:



4. What you used to Study:

I took the Kaplan course. I studied from AAMC exams, Kaplan exams, Kaplan review notes, and ExamKrackers Verbal 1001 passages.


I'm upset about verbal because I usually got 10-11 in my practice tests.


PS I knew would be bad but I'm glad it isn't any lower than this.


Meh! What's done is done.

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Guest Yangzie

I have a general question for everyone:


should I rewrite this mcat deal with a 9 in VR and a total of 33Q?


or do i have a shot at Ontario schools? (I live in Ontario)...



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