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Remarking Writing Sample

Guest ezaholic

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


I know one person who is now a first-year resident in BC, who had her WS remarked and achieved a positive outcome. Beware though, that doesn't always happen. There should be details on the remarking process on the MCAT website.




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Guest ploughboy


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Hey there,


Last winter there was a long-running thread which followed the progress of two or three of us who appealed our MCAT scores. Unfortunately, that thread has gone to the giant bit-bucket in the sky.


I was one who wrote a letter, paid the fee and appealed my score. The AAMC then sent me a letter saying "ok, we'll review your essays" and about six weeks later I got another letter saying "ya, your essays suck so we're not going to change your score". That was really disappointing. It all worked out for me though. I was right on the edge for UWO, and the school dropped their WS cut-off by a point and somehow I managed to sneak into the '09 class. I believe somebody else who unsuccessfully appealed also wound up getting into UWO, but I haven't quite figured out which of my class-mates belongs to that handle.


But I digress...Basically you have a window of time in which to appeal, and you have to pay a fee. All of the info is on the AAMC website. Your score can go up, go down or remain unchanged. It's a bit of a gamble in that respect, but if you're confident that your essays weren't so bad that your score will drop, then I think it's worthwhile to appeal. You'll be out $75 or so, but if it gets you into med school a year earlier than you otherwise would have then it's probably money well spent.


I know I have my posts from that era saved on a hard-drive that's in a box somewhere. I'll try and track them down in a few days (assuming that I survive both my anatomy bell-ringer and the ensuing debauchery).








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i applied for remarking last year as well, but after six weeks got the same mark returned to me! a waste of $75...


i thought at the time that i had written fairly decent essays, and was distraught about getting an M. however this summer i figured out that i was writing the WS in the wrong way, with circular arguments and not really stating a clear conclusion. in any event, i re-wrote the mcat in august and received a 'P'. Not great, but definitely adequate for application purposes. Given I am terrible at writing essays in exam situations, I am quite happy with that mark!


so make sure you understand the WS properly before you challenge their marking (and waste $75).. they are quite formulaic in their marking scheme, and you will not get above an M if you are missing any parts of the formula (i.e. the 3 'tasks'), no matter how well you can write. Not until I read through an mcat-WS prep book did I realize what I was doing wrong. My original 'M' was well deserved.



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