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Should I release my poor MCAT scores?

Guest ckim01

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I did terribly on my MCAT... and since I wrote it in August, I have already applied to the 6 med schools in ontario. I pretty much blew VR and didn't do so well in sciences either.


Should I release my MCAT score or not? Will it look bad for me if i'm reapplying next year to have such a cruddy MCAT history score?


And also, does Mac look at VR starting this year or next year?


Thanks for the help.

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Guest ezaholic
I did terribly on my MCAT... and since I wrote it in August, I have already applied to the 6 med schools in ontario. I pretty much blew VR and didn't do so well in sciences either.

Sorry to hear that - are you planning to write again?


Should I release my MCAT score or not? Will it look bad for me if i'm reapplying next year to have such a cruddy MCAT history score?

Well, when you release your MCAT scores - the schools will be able to see all your previous MCAT Hx.


And also, does Mac look at VR starting this year or next year?

Next year. They will have some information on their website regarding this and the option to just write the VR section of the MCAT.



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thans ez.


I'm still wondering if it will hurt me more by releasing my @#%$ MCAT scores or just give up on the numerous hours i spent on my application to the 3 that look at mcat.


I figure with releasing my MCAt, they will at least read my application... i know there is a slim chance, but isn't it better than no chance?

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Guest nostalg

in my opinion, since you've already filled out the applications, go ahead and submit your scores. You never know what might happen....it's better to take the chance. but that's just my opinion

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i just REALLY REALLY screwed myself twice!


I sent them in yesterday... but the due date was the 14th.. the day when the mcat scrores were released. i had no idea that they gave us 1 day to release them.


i'm such a moron...


has anyone submitted them a few days late without being penalized?

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Guest Elaine I

I wasn't able to submit my scores to OMSAS until the 15th, one day after the deadline. I don't think it was a problem, as my scores are already showing as being received (and have been since at least yesterday).



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