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Need some Advice

Guest 03patelj

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Guest 03patelj

Hey guys,


August 2005 MCAT was my first attempt. This is what I got


PS = 11

BS = 10

VS = 6

WS = M


I am not defending myself here but I spent only last 15 days before the test date studying for MCAT. I didn't take any courses either, all the studying was totally independent. Looking at the amount of time I devoted how do you guys think I did? And will I be able to improve myself if I study seriously next year?


Even though I am in my third year I already applied for five medical schools (McMaster, Ottawa, Toronto, Western & Queens) out of which three (Toronto, Western & Queens)require MCAT. My cumulative GPA for past two years is 3.77/4.0. I have quite a few volunteer activites as well as 5-10 extracurricular activities (I know they are not :eek but I thought it wouldn't hurt to include them) Besides I also received two scholarships and have few accomplishments. I don't have any research experience though. What are my chances of getting an interview or are there any at all? (I am pretty sure ur answers will be " This guy is out of his mind :lol ")



Thanks in advance. :D:D:D:D Please include any suggestions.

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Guest Yangzie

My only suggestion is: take Princeton Review prep course and take it seriously.


When you dish out 1400 dollars on a 2 month course believe me you'll improve. Constant practicing will make you naturally a better test writer; you simply cannot help it.


A competitive MCAT score will help you immensly as it will make up for your GPA.


good luck.

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Western and Queen's are out as your MCAT scores don't meet the cutoffs. Although Toronto does look at the "whole package" as a 3rd year student you really need to stand out. The low VR score will definitely raise a flag.


I think your best chance would be at McMaster or Ottawa (provided you meet Ottawa's weighted GPA cutoff). Meeting Ottawa's GPA cutoff is not enough to guarantee an interview. Your autobiographical sketch plays a role as well. For McMaster, how you answered their questions is important but nobody really knows how they select for interviews.


Hope this helps!



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Guest kaymcee

Hi patel,


Those are excellent scores for a two-week effort. I studied for six and received similar science scores. That being said, if you put in more time, you will do quite well. If you have lots of money to burn and have a surplus of time in the summer, perhaps a review course would be to your advantage, but I wouldn't recommend outright it like Yangzie has. (Think what you could do with $1400...)


You might get an interview at either Ottawa or McMaster, but both of them have extremely high average GPAs (3.85+), so who knows. Also, being a younger applicant puts you at a disadvantage, I believe. Either way, get some practice reading and answering VR and maybe some essay writing to prep for your second MCAT attempt.


It's funny how the MCAT can't really open any doors for you in Canada, but it can really close them. It sounds like you're a competitive applicant, but your MCAT is dragging you down. Get serious next summer, get 'er done, and get some competitive application packages together.


Good luck.

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