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Re-write MCAT w/ an 8 in vb?

Guest utpixiedust

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Guest utpixiedust

Hi all,


Just got my scores, so I'm in a dilemma, here's what i got:


Total: 33R

VB: 8

Bio: 14

Physics: 11

Writing: R


So.. as you can see, the VB sticks out like a sore thumb. The UT site explicitely said "anything less than 9 on any subtests will jepardize the applicant's chances". But I've heard people got in w/ an 8 on VB.


I dont' really want to sit on the bubble, so I feel I should re-write, but my fear is that in the end, I'll end up w/ a 33, but just 11's across the board.


So my question really, is if the subsections themselves mean more, or does the total/composite mean more? Esp. for UT?


Thanks for those who can help!

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Guest nostalg

Great scrores! but i know how u feel about the verbal.


Have u already applied to toronto? (if i were you I would just take my chances, since your other scores are really good).


Also, since McMaster will only be requirng the verbal portion of the MCAT, maybe they will allow sittings where you only write the verbal portion. I would advise you to look into that, since that way you could just re-write the verbal, instead of going through hell again =)


just my opinion.

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Guest nostalg

I didn't mean to give you false hope. All i'm saying is there might be the possibility where you could write one section, since (and the e.g. i gave was mcmaster) will start requiring ONLY that portion of the test.


It's best to contact the aamc and ask, since they would be a much more reliable source of info than me!

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