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a have a question .. regarding MCAT scores

Guest thegamez

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Guest thegamez

hi folks,


I just found out my score 28P, 11 12 and 5 in verbal


I have applied to uottawa and Northern knowing that they do not look @ my MCAT.


now if my MCAT scores are released .. would they affect negatively my application on uottawa and Northern? I mean, shall I not release my score so that uottawa and northern wouldnt know how badly I did on mcat,, and about other universities I applied to like western, toronto, queens, mcmaster .. it wouldnt matter if i dont release my scores because am not gona pass the cut off..


any advise,, am kinda desperate for one


I truly hope everyone of u wrote a good MCAT and no one feels as bad as I do right now.

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i did worse on the verbal than you... SO BAD! I'm wondering the same thing....


my entire application went out the window just now since I did bad on the other parts as well (except for the writing sample >: )

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Guest kaymcee

Hi thegamez and ckim01,


I'm sorry to hear you're disappointed with your scores. When you release your scores to OMSAS, I believe they only release your scores to the schools that want them. So Ottawa and Northern will probably not receive your scores.

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Guest pocketrocket999

All the schools will probably get the marks, but they just won't care about them. It won't hurt you. My verbal was quite bad and was still interviewed everywhere except queens and western, so don't worry too much about it. No point stressing now, cause there is a long LONG wait till the interview letters come. Best of luck.



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Guest QuestionMan23213

Hey man, im in the same boat as you! it was my 2nd write and i scored 10/6/12/R (6 in verbal which is BRUTAL)!! I am not sure if I should even bother applying to the states now.



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Guest leafs123

Hi thegamez,


I am so sorry to hear about your scores. But like the previous posters stated, keep your hopes high. At UT there were a few ppl who got in with VR scores of 5 or 6. So if you have a really solid gpa (and something tells me u do..) and a strong essay arguing why you would make a strong contribution to their class, I am sure your application will be given a fair trial (god willling). Your science scores are very impressive especially for a first time writer. I am sure if you chose to write it again, you will have an advantage over other people. With that being said, nothing is too far to reach.


Believe in yourself and have faith in god,



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