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FM Help with VR

Guest mcatsucks

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Guest mcatsucks

Help.. I am trying to remember all the passages in the VR section and I can only remember 8!!!

I am going crazy thinking that I maybe left out a whole passage Please try to remember. These are the ones that I do remember:


-Liberals vs. conservatives

-Scientific method

-Ruling the world... Eastern Europe

-Waste to achieve stability

-Rap music

-Oral history

-Just society


One MORE I Cant remember and have a sinking feeling I left it out!! THanks

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Guest kaymcee

mcatsucks, I sympathize with your frustration about how difficult your version of the MCAT was, but please take my advice here: relax. I know it's difficult, especially after feeling as though you did poorly on Saturday, but you need to put it behind you.


The MCAT isn't like a final exam at university, where a poor score will mean a poor final mark. The MCAT is scaled such that those who took a more difficult version of the test will not be at a disadvantage to those who took an easier version. If you felt the test was difficult, chances are, lots of other people did, too. Thus, even with a low raw score, you could receive perfectly acceptable scaled score.


What do you hope to accomplish by stressing out about whether you read all nine VR passages? Regardless of how many passages you answered, you can't do anything about it now. You've got two weeks of summer left– don't waste them by freaking out about this. Wait for your scores, see how you did, and decide what to do from there.


Keep your chin up!

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Guest dayne67

Do you remember if you bubbled all the holes on your verbal scantron? I think that if you left 5-10 consecutive empty holes, you would notice it while doing the test. So, I would not worry about it.


BTW, before you listed those passages, the only passage I remembered was the rap passage.


Also, I had version FK. I have noticed that people on different forums are saying that the F version verbal were the hardest, as they all apparently had the same verbal passages. I actually was able to get to all the passages this time around, which is quite rare for me. I thought it was definitely easiar than last August's verbal, where I just crashed and burned (I got a 7). I just hope that I can get a 10 on this. And hopefully, I have not just jinxed myself.

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