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referee - colleauge / supervisor

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I would like some advice who to ask for being a referee. I am applying to MAC only.


I can say I can have one solid academic professor who knows me well, and am pretty sure she will be a great referee. I yet have to ask her, but am positive she will accept writing a letter of reference.


The other two, well here's the dillema. I have another prof who I think would know me by my visits to his office for help. We engage in convos sometimes. But I only had him one semester, but I think he may have forgotten me. Nevertheless I will ask him. But I have to have a backup, and my only other options left is non-academia.


I work night shifts in a trauma center as an imaging tech. The people I work with same person almost everyday. They know me well enough.


And the third referee will also be from work, my manager.


3 referees: 1 prof, 1 colleague, 1 other colleauge/manager. These people I feel know me well enough to be writing a reference letter. But from your knowledge/experience of applications, how will this look for the admission team?



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There is no cookie cutter type of referee that adcoms look for. What they want is a referee who can reflect on your abilities, motivations, passions and, most importantly, why they believe you're a good fit for a career in medicine. Having 3 referees who can speak to those points in a strong manner is what counts. Mixing it up with 3 people who know you from 3 different settings would be ideal, but not always possible. Try to have one who is not an academic in fact, but can serve as a good character referee. Having all letters from profs is probably not the best scenario.

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