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Writing Sample? Me not surviving HHHHHEEEELLLLPPPPPP!!

Guest 03patelj

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Guest 03patelj

Hi Guys,


I am writing my MCAT on august 20th. I am freakin out about the essays. I read through the material for writing in the book I purchased for MCAT preparation but it doesn't seem to be helping a lot. I also read through few writing samples but it is no good either. Can somebody please give me an advice on how to pratice for writing portion of the MCAT?



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Guest Meddream

ok, I'd like to give this a try...


This is one of the essays I wrote a while back...I personally don't think it's a good essay (I'm pretty poor in essay)..I am open to all kind of critics so be as cruel as you like! I'd appreciate your opinion.


“Achievements are valuable only if there are lasting”


Each individual has a goal in their lives that they would like to achieve. Thus achievement has a different meaning for everyone. For a writer, writing a best-selling book is an achievement while for a scientist a discovery or an invention is an achievement. For one politician gaining peace is an achievement while for another gaining more power is an achievement. Most achievements are valuable and deserve respect when they serve humanity. Lasting achievements are those which effect doesn’t fade away and survive even long after their achiever is gone. For instance, Shakespeare’s pieces are still well-respected, these are everlasting achievements. Achievements which are useful only for a short time are not as valuable as those that last long time. For instance, scientists announce discovery of new antibodies and new anti-cancer drugs annually. These drugs initially seem to be able to target the cancer cells. However, a few months or years down the road, when the patient is finally cancer free, resistance to the drugs hike. These drugs, although valuable for a short time, would be omitted from the market because they are not lasting. Therefore, many achievements are valuable if they are lasting.


However, many achievements are valuable even if they are not lasting. Peace is a good example for this. Everyone knows that peace is not lasting. It is the circumstances which determine the presence or lack of peace. Nevertheless, peace is valuable. The fact that peace is not lasting makes it even more valuable to the human eye. For instance, (here I use my Cuban Missile War example)


In conclusion, achievements are valuable if they are lasting. The short-term effects of achievements although valuable at the time, lose their respect as time passes. It is the lasting effect of achievements which will be remembered. However, there are achievements which even when short-lived are valuable just because they are a vital part of the world. Therefore, achievements which are attainable regularly and by many people are valuable only when lasting but achievements which are vital to the society are valuable although not lasting.

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Guest Madz25

A few comments and suggestions (I'm going by PR's recommended outline):


1. You explained ambiguous terms in the prompt (ie. what lasting means to you). - good job!


2. You used examples to support the 'for' and 'against' arguments. - good job!


3. You should restate the prompt in your own words in the introductory paragraph.


4. Your first sentence in your conclusion "In conclusion, achievements are valuable if they are lasting" sounds like you are taking a stand on one side (although if you continue reading that is not the case). In my opinion, the final paragraph should restate both sides of the argument without using any phrases that make it seem like you are taking one side (ie. prompt is true when ___. Nevertheless, prompt is not true when ____.)


5. There was one grammatical error, cant remember where now.


Anyway, those were my first impressions - take 'em or leave 'em! Good luck on Saturday!



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Guest 03patelj

Hi Guys,


Thanks for answering my question. I am gonna give a shot at full length pratice test (inlcuding writing) and see how I do especially in writing. I will post what i come up with here. Please evaluate it. I still have one more question in my mind, how long the essay should be? Does it have to be two pages long or should it be "OK"if it is "short but sweet"?


Thanks.:D :D :D :D

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Guest Madz25

I second what sans005 said. As long as you complete the tasks with examples supporting each argument you should get a good score. You have to keep in mind that you only have 30 mins to outline your essay and write it. So you can imagine that the essay can only be so long!



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