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Post your progress on the MCAT practice tests...

Guest MedSchoolGirl2005

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Guest MedSchoolGirl2005

I thought I'd start this in case you wanted to compare your scores with others...I know I do, it's hard to tell which tests are really more difficult that others. Please post the test and your scores in order PS-VR-BS with the total.


So here's mine:


GS-1: 7-11-10 (28)

EK-1g: 9-10-10 (29)

TPR B: 8-9-9 (26)

TPR C: 9-11-10 (30)

AAMC3R: 9-9-10 (28)


Good luck studying everyone...:D

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Guest dr555

Good idea with the postings


TPR B: 7,7,10

TPR C: 8,9,10

AAMC3R: 9-9-10 (28)


I've only done one verbal exam crackers practice test so far. Does anyone else find them far more difficult than PRs?

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Guest MedSchoolGirl2005

I've been doing the 101 series from examkrackers for VR and found that I've improved and am consistently scoring a 10 each time. For some reason when I go to dot eh AAMC test, I haven't been able to keep it up but I haven't gone below a 9. On the EK series so far, I've completed 7 tests and scored 8,9,10,9,10,10,10.


To add to my previous scores above:


AAMC 4R: 10-9-11 (30)


What a relief...it's going up...:rollin

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Guest Saberial

Just did AAMC3R, got a 10 - 9 - 11.


What did you guys think of the test? I thought it was kind of hard and the scale didn't really reflect it.

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Guest MedSchoolGirl2005

I found it difficult...as you can see, I got 9-9-10.


I thought PS was difficult and VR, as usual, tricky. But I wrote this test with an extreme headache and decided not to take pain relievers. I thought it would be good practice if I wake up on MCAT day and feel like @#%$.


Let me know about 4R...I found VR to be more difficult but PS to be a little better. You're scoring 30 on 3R, which is great, so you should do well on 4R as well....


Good luck....

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Guest Saberial

Just finished 4R...


I found the VR to be difficult as well but managed to get a 10, I thought the sciences were definately tougher!


Got a 9 - 10 - 10, so I actually went down!


A few friends of mine went down as well on 4R compared to 3R, either that or we all did poorly on similar content.

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Guest MedSchoolGirl2005

lol...i think the moderator censored my last comment....i only said c**p...not the real thing!


Anyways....from what i hear...the AAMCs are supposed to be getting progressively difficult since people get better some years and do worse for others. So if your mark goes down for one test, i don't think it's a problem. Just average out your marks for the AAMCs and I think it should be what you should expect...as long as you're writing in testing conditions....

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Guest Saberial


15 76-77 59-60 76-77

14 74-75 57-58 73-75

13 70-73 54-56 70-72

12 65-69 51-53 66-69

11 62-64 48-50 62-65

10 58-61 44-47 58-61

9 54-57 41-43 53-57

8 48-53 37-40 48-52

7 42-47 34-36 44-47

6 36-41 30-33 39-43

5 30-35 27-29 34-38

<4 0-29 0-26 0-33

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Guest Madz25

Hi there,


I wrote the MCAT last year and I worked through the A-D tests. I found D to be extremely difficult - I didn't even bother finishing it.

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I've been working through AAMC tests and the Full Length Kaplan tests. I've been doing well on the AAMC, but the Kaplan has been proving to be quite the struggle. Has anyone else found the Kaplan tests to be difficult?

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Guest antisera

Hi again, On 4R, I scored 64/77, 50/60, and 62/77 and for 5R I got 60/77, 48/60, 65/77 on Physical, Verbal & Biological respectively. Could anyone convert these to the scaled scores if possible, or direct me to somewhere that has the scaled scores posted? Much thanks.


Also, anyone working full time and studying? I am and it's killing me! :\

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Guest Fizz29


I'm presently trying to write my PhD thesis and study for the MCAT so I'm feeling quite overwhelmed as well. Its hard to switch gears between studying and writing when both are stressors of equal value but require very different skills. Hang in there...it will all be over in a week and a half. I've already got my post-MCAT writing celebration all lined up...gives me something to look forward to :)

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Hey antisera,


I can relate, as I am working full-time during the day and studying in the evenings. Not working is not an option for me, as I need money to pay for school. I find it doable, but I am certainly glad when the MCAT will be over. I find the biggest thing is working all day and then going home at night only to eat some supper and crack open those texts, day after day.


Some advice I can offer, depending on your job, is to slip in a little review whenever you can. On my lunch breaks I will usually read over a chapter, for example. I also have an hour bus ride to and from work, so I try to review on the bus as well (although sometimes, depending on how noisy the bus is, its impossible).


However, I always make sure to give myself a break. On top of working, I also am taking the Kaplan review course, which sometimes meant working, going to class, and then going home and going to bed to get up for work the next day. Make sure you give yourself some time off. Also, I always make sure to read at least a few pages of an enjoyable book right before I go to sleep so studying is not the last thing on my mind. The stress can hinder your performance, so if you need to take a break, do it! I find it helps me get through things a lot better.

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Oh, and here are my practice test scores. I am finding the Kaplan ones to be quite challenging, but my instructor tells me they make them harder on purpose so that the real test will seem like a breeze.



Kaplan 1: 6 9 7 (22) :(

Kaplan 2: 8 10 10 (28)

Kaplan 3: 7 8 10 (25) :o

Kaplan 4: 8 10 9 (27)


So as you can see, my scores tend to fluctuate, and the Kaplan mocks only get harder. One more Kaplan mock to go, then I am going to practice some AAMC's next week.


Good luck studying everyone!!

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Guest kaymcee

Hi antisera,


Based on your raw scores, your scaled scores for 4R are 11 10 10, 5R, 10 10 12. So, basically, you can stop practicing. ;)


I finally did a practice test, EK1g, and I got a 10 9 10. It wasn't terribly difficult, but it also didn't expose many of my weak areas. I'm struggling with VR, but hopefully I'll get it worked out by August 20.


Best of luck everyone on test day!

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Guest FastEddy

Hi guys,


I just wrote a massive post but forgot to enter the subject and when I went back I lost it all :\ so you get an abbreviated version.


Anyway, I took a Kaplan 2003 "Workbook" full-length on Monday and scored: 13-9-13 (35)


Today I did AAMC 3R and scored: 12-9-12 (33)


Sciences like me!!! :) :) :)


I'm a bit worried about the VR though. What can a guy do to crank that score up with only 10 days left? I'm just hoping that by taking the next 3 AAMC tests I'll just get better (read faster, learn the question types, and comprehend more).


How did you find the writing prompts for 3R? What strategies do you use for the essays? I've been taking about 8-10 minutes to brainstorm and outline. I find I'm so rushed by the end that all I get out for the last task is something like, "the statement hold up when blah blah, and the statement doesnt't hold up when blah blah." + I don't get time to read it over at all. Any ideas? Do you find that its better to plan for maybe half as long and let the rest bubble up while you write the actual essay?


Anyway, keep it up guys! T-minus 10 days. We're going to dominate! :rollin


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Guest Meddream



I think all science students are in the same boat as you... I also tend to do well on PS and BS, but I got 8 on my 3R verbal... and what worries me is that it really depends on the passages that I get....my verbal ranges from 8-12...so it's very wide and I can't tell if I'm gonna do well or not...


About the essay, I have the same problem as yours... I find it very hard to think of examples and by the time I have some in mind, I spend a lot of time on my 1st paragraph.... I spend 15 min. on my 1st par. and only 7 minutes on the 2nd and 3rd combined...which is real bad....don't know how to improve either!!

Can't wait for 20th...

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Guest FastEddy

I can't wait until the evening of the 20th... think I'll need a pint by then.


Yea, the writing is just one of those things that I can't think of a way to improve. I'm a writing tutor up here at UNBC so you'd think I would know how to tackle it. I was thinking of checking out our learning skills center here; maybe they've got an old handout burried away somewhere.


When tackling the writing sample I've been trying an outlining strategy that I think may help. First, I brainstorm for the counter-example (task 2), an example that goes againt the statement, then I try to figure out the underlying concept of that counter-example and the conditions for when it applies (task 3). Then, if you can go back and describe the statement (task 1) in terms of the counter-example and conditions it might make for a more cohesive and detailed essay. I'm still working on this though, it may come to nothing. I've got about 8 more practice prompts to do. Tomorrow's conquest: 4R


Best of luck to you all! ;)

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Guest FastEddy

AAMC 4R: 10-11-12 (33)


I don't mind a temporary drop in the PS if it means I'm getting better at VR!


How did you find the 4R? I thought I rocked the PS (turns out it was my weakest area) and I felt the BS was the most difficult section (turns out I did the best there). Funny how that works.


Bye 8o -E

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Guest Meddream

Unfortunately, I don't have the 4R..Has anyone tried the 5R, 6R, 2, 4, 5, 7? How do they compare in your view?

These are the only ones that I've got.

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