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Post your progress on the MCAT practice tests...

Guest MedSchoolGirl2005

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Guest antisera

6R: 60-50-64

7R: 64-49-68

8R: 66-51-65


Could somebody convert these to scaled scores for me?



I'm also glad to see I'm not the only one working & studying...although I must say, vacation at the end of August is looking mightly wonderful right now! :)

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Guest FastEddy

I just finished 5R




Meddream, I thought science sections of this test to be comparable, maybe even easier than 3R and 4R, but I found the VR to be a bit trickier.


Bye bye. -E

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What do u guys think about the PR practice tests A-d? I find the science sections to be pretty difficult.


Plus, off topic...how are u guys going about timing? Do you have stop watches timing each passage?


Good luck!

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Guest Meddream



Thanks...I'm actually doing 5R tomorrow...someone on another forum said that the mark they got on real MCAT was the same as the one they got on 5R and a couple of people agreed with him, so I think you are in good place right now!!!!

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Guest potential md

Hi there,


I'm working full time too and I hear you about the workload. It's been 13 years since I've studied sciences, so I've had my head in a book since mid-February getting reacquianted with the periodic table and all. work, study, work, study. But, I've decided to stop beating myself up about it and just do the best I can. That's all I can do. Besides antisera, sounds like you're doing really well on the practice exams.


I'm hoping the kaplan exams prove to be much harder than the real thing. I seem to be stuck in the 8-11-8 zone. ugh. Not very promising.

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Guest antisera

I just started on a few Kaplan exams and I'm finding them extremely difficult whereas I was doing fine on the AAMC exams. Anyone else have this problem? Especially the Physical sciences, my General Chemistry is decent but my Physics is quite weak.

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Guest Fizz29

I had the same problems with the Kaplan exams as well. up until Friday, I had only done AAMC exams and was only getting 5-10 wrong and then I did a Kaplan exam and got 22 wrong!!! After having a mild meltdown, I went to the Student Doctor Forums and found out that the Kaplan exams have a much different curve than the AAMC exams (for more info on multiple Kaplan conversion charts, go here: forums.studentdoctor.net/...t=214076). For example, here is the conversion chart for Kaplan Full Length #6:



0 1 0-2 1 0-5 1

1-4 2 3-6 2 6-12 2

5-9 3 7-13 3 13-18 3

10-16 4 14-19 4 19-25 4

17-21 5 20-23 5 26-29 5

22-27 6 24-26 6 30-33 6

28-32 7 27-29 7 34-38 7

33-36 8 30-34 8 39-43 8

37-41 9 35-37 9 44-48 9

42-47 10 38-42 10 49-53 10

48-54 11 43-45 11 54-58 11

55-59 12 46-49 12 59-64 12

60-67 13 50-54 13 65-70 13

68-73 14 55-58 14 71-74 14

74-77 15 59-60 15 75-77 15


According to this scale, even if you get 30 wrong in PS, you still have a 10. I've heard they make them harder to make the real thing seem like easier and of course, challenge you to learn more. Since they are more challenging, I find they are a much better indicator of gaps in my knowledge base. Hope this helps.

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Guest leviathan

3R: 10P 12V 12B (i think...dont have my results from 3R anymore but remember I had a 12 in Verbal)

4R: 11P 9V 9B (@#%$! there was so much orgo in the bio section)

5R: 10P 10V 10B

6R: 11P 10V 11B


The last week I'm spending improving my organic chem knowledge, and maybe getting into 1H NMR.

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(posted in the order i took them)


3R: 11 - 7 - 11 = 29

4R: 10 - 8 - 9 = 27

7R: 10 - 9 - 12 = 31

5R: 12 - 10 - 11 = 33 (two marks away from a 35 :\ )

6R: 11 - 10 - 11 = 32


hmm, at least my VR has been consistently going up :P


I'm taking 8R tomorrow

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I am wondering how everyone is finding the Kaplan tests. I have studied quite extensively, and finally did a Kaplan test. But.... I did not do very well at all!(mostly on the physics, vr). Did you find that your grades improved with more tests?? You all have such high test scores! Tricks or advice you can offer??? Are you finding that you have enough time, and feel comfortable with most of your answers? I know I ran out of time, and had to guess on some questions. Is this common?


Also, how are you accessing the AAMC tests, are those the ones on the site that you have to pay for? Or are they free??


Thanks very much! Any guidance would be so greatly appreciated!


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Guest soulstress

Hi jmd,


I found the Kaplan tests to have very difficult PS sections. When I first tried a Kaplan test, I couldn't even finish it in time (had about two passages left) and scored very low. The AAMC tests, I find, are much easier and don't require as much math or background knowledge, but instead you have to know how to glean information from the passages. I am able to finish AAMC PS sections in time and scored much higher on the practice tests. I think these tests mirror the real MCAT much more accurately, so I've stayed away from Kaplan practice tests since!


On http://www.e-mcat.com, you can get one full-length practice test for free (3R) when you start an account. They have 3R all the way up to 8, and you have to buy the other ones.


Good luck!

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Thank goodness for your reply - I was completely freaking out!!! You could not have explained it better- lack of time, alot of math/formula manipulations and required background. Your similar experience is so good to hear. Thank you so much - I will try that AAMC test then for sure....hopefully it will make my studying feel like it was worth it!!!!


Thank you!



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Don't worry, I also found Kaplan PS to be very difficult, out of all the practice Kaplan tests I only finished PS once... but today I did AAMC 8 and found the PS section to be wayyy easier, and got a personal best score of 10 (I was previously scoring 8 at best on the Kaplan mocks)


Almost done...just a few more days :D

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Guest MedSchoolGirl2005


EK- 1g PS-9 VR-10 BS-10 (29)

TPR B - PS-8 VR-9 BS-9 (26)

TPR C - PS-9 VR-11 BS-10 (30)

AAMC 3R - PS-9 VR-9 BS-10 (28)

AAMC 4R - PS-10 VR-9 BS-11 (30)



AAMC 5R - PS-11 VR-11 BS-11 (33)

AAMC 6R - PS-10 VR-11 BS-10 (31)

AAMC 7R - PS-11 VR-11 BS-11 (33)

AAMC 8R - PS-10 VR-11 BS-11 (32)


Avg. AAMC - 31.2


AAMC are supposed to be the most representative so I'm glad that the last four test are averaged at a little over a 32. That's my goal this year.


Good luck to you all...I hope this post has been helpful!! ;)

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Guest QuestionMan23213

For those of you that did AAMC practice tests, how did the others compare to 3R (the free one)- in terms of marking scheme and level of difficulty. 3R was pretty straightforward, were the others the same?



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7R: 15PS/9VR/13BS


VR was hard! Have yet to properly practice WS too! What else should I try to improve my VR score? The schools I am aiming for this cycle need good VR and WS scores: Queen's & Western. What would be a better idea? Void this test if I think I can't break an 8 on VR and write April 06 (end of my 3rd year), NOT void this test and if I don't do well, write again...or just refund this test and write April 06 altogether?

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Guest PerfectMoment

jixe, you da man. your science scores are something to be envied! i'm actually taking 7 right now... hehe, i'm on my 10 minute break between WS and bio, but i found the verbal really difficult too. it was more dense than any of the other aamc exams. i have yet to score it, but i wouldnt be surprised if i got an 8 or something. ughhhness.

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Good luck with BS...it was pretty fair!


I practiced from EK 101 and couldn't break a 10, I think. Personally, the AAMC VR passages seem more convoluted and more questions require reference to the passages, which makes it worse...

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Guest PerfectMoment

i completely agree. the EK 101 passages are much easier to read, making it easier to grasp the main idea. i'd say that generally their questions are quite similar though. but these aamc vr sections have really tough to comprehend passages. i'd be reading through it and just swearing in my head cause i had no idea what the hell the author was saying. it's so convuluted.

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here's what i've done, stuck with only the aamc ones, studied out of the big kaplan comp. review book, did one kaplan PS section from the book with 2 more tests in it, it just pissed me off with the amount of calculations, which was way more than any of the aamc ones, and from what i've heard on other boards, more than the actual thing too.



Test (PS, VR, BS) Total

3R (12, 11, 12) 35

4R (12, 9, 10) 31

5R (12, 12, 12) 36

6R (12, 8*, 12) 32

7 (14, 10, 13) 37

8 (13, 11, 12) 36


I actually fell asleep for like 5 minutes doing the 6R verbal, oops, better make sure that doesn't happen saturday, thinkin i coulda pulled off around a 10 for that if i was awake and coherent for the whole thing. Was one question away from a 15PS on 7 and a 14PS and 13BS on 8. So close, but i'm crazy happy bout my scores anyways, so no complaints from me.

Found 7 to be easier than 8 for PS and BS, found VR comparable for both, but for 8 i definitely thought i was gonna end up with like a 30-33 or somethin around there, guess i had a lot of good guesses, especially on VR, cuz a lot of what i read seemed to make no sense to me.


I've also noticed on the last few tests that the aamc verbal seems to require a lot of reference to the text. Maybe it's just me and i just flip back too much, but i find i almost have to force myself not to for some questions cuz i get really pressed for time. Those 10 question passages mess up my timing too, always freaks me out that i'm way behind in my timing.


Now all i have to do is figure out what's goin on with this writing sample business....


Anyways, good luck to everyone on saturday!

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Guest FastEddy

6R: 11-11-12


PerfectMoment, I feel ya on the verbal; they try and confuse you right off the bat. Basically I have no idea whats being said until the 5-6th sentence. Its so disorienting being suddenly dropped into an in-depth discussion of the obscurities of such-and-such. Even a simple title like "Indian Culture" or something would be nice.


A few questions:

- is anyone else noticing that no matter how bad / good you feel you did after completing a section, your pretty consistent with how you've done on the other (AAMC) practice tests? (I think this test is brilliantly designed)


- is it worth it for me to buy 7R or 8R for tomorrow after already doing 3R - 6R?


- am I the only person sick to death of this test!? (I hope rigor mortis doesn't kick in while I'm writing it!)


Bye, Good Luck Everyone, keep those pounding hearts under control!

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