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Post your progress on the MCAT practice tests...

Guest MedSchoolGirl2005

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Guest PerfectMoment

i'm just so disappointed right now. after scoring aamc 7, it turns out i got PS=8, VR=9, BS=10. for a @#%$ grand total of 27. aamc 8 was no better. it seems i peaked or got lucky or whatever on aamc 5r, cause i finally broke 30 (31 to be exact), but it's looking more and more like that was merely luck. i dunno why i'm just so bad at PS. numbers and me don't mix apparently. i'm really contemplating getting a partial refund and taking it next april or something. i'm confident that i can pull something out of my arse, or at least ride a huge huge wave of luck or something, but if what i hear is correct, and that most people score within the range of their practice tests, then i should at least brace myself for the worst. *sigh*

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Guest kaymcee

PerfectMoment, you've already spent the time practicing and taking time out of what could have been a potentially relaxing summer to study for this thing.


You should write it, regardless of how you feel. This point has been discussed in this forum recently: a bad MCAT score will not jeopardize your application. Go for it! Get it done!

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Guest PerfectMoment

a bad mcat score hurts my application for manitoba. it's 50 fricken percent of the total score. i really need a good mcat score to make up for my not so stellar gpa. i think i will write anyway, if i do sh*tty, oh well, at least i will have gained some valuable experience wrt test-taking.

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Guest FastEddy



forty bucks later: 11-10-12 (33)


Okay, this moment marks the end of the last practice MCAT I'll ever do! (bang on wood really really hard!)


I thought 7 was kinda tough; VR always seems to be such a crapshoot. :rolleyes


Someone mentioned that there were some errors in the answer key for 7? I found only two: the electron configuration question and where they put the Taxol question. Are there others?


Thanks, bye.

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Hi All!!!!


I have not had time to do as many practice tests as you all have, and I am wondering what questions you have encountered that required knowing a formula (mainly for PS). Maybe we can come up with a small list of "crucial ones" to save us all from memorizing a bunch of them. I have heard of something called "the big ten"...anyone else heard of this??? I know it is important to understand the formulas, and that some are just in the memory (f-ma!), but others are not so intuitive. Any help would be so fantastic for us all - especially this late in the game.






PS: No matter how we do, I just want to congratulate you all for devoting so much time to this - no matter the outcome, our effort is a success, and can be appreciated by everyone who is going through this (It is so good to know that many of you feel the same as I do!). Noone can truly appreciate the devotion unless they too go through it! Thanks for being so helpful, and friendly, I am so grateful that you have all shared so much! Best of luck -you are going to do it!

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for 7, some people's answer keys had answers to different questions for a few of them. I didn't pick up on it at first, but i think my score ended up goin up a couple points when i figured it all out.


Also, i know this is pretty late, but here's a link with answers/detailed explanations for some TPR exams and AAMC 5R-8.



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Thanks for the link. Needed 8R solutions.


Anyway, 8R was more difficult than 7R. Ended up with 13PS/13BS. I didn't/don't want to do the VR.

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Guest antisera

Yeah, I wouldn't mind hearing contributions to the need to know formulas, I plan to solidify those tomorrow (late, I know)


My list?


-Definitely simple harmonic motion/pendulum


-Spectrometry stretches

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