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3-6R vs. 7/8R

Guest josh

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I don't know about you guys, but I'm finding 7 and 8R to be a lot tougher than the rest and it's getting me worried. 8R is my last exam that I have and it's not a reassuring way to end..


For those who've taken the MCAT and tried 7/8, how do you find them in relation to the real thing? Or is it more like the other ones?



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I also found 8R quite difficult. 7R seemed a bit easier, but be careful of the scoring system....a couple of the answers are wrong (they used the 7 answers as the answers for the 7R test). If you go through the answers you'll see which ones are erroneous. Hope this helps!

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Guest frenchfrog

7 and 7R are two different practice exams???

I bought 7 and 8 but I've never heard of 7R or 8R.

Anyway, I thought 7 was pretty difficult. Well, I got a low mark anyway. THough, this could be because there are errors in the answers (apparently?).

I thought 8 was way better. Physics was pretty easy and Bio was decent. Verbal was a little tricky...

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If you go through the answers for 7 (particularly the biological sciences section) you will notice that some of the explanations do not corespond with the 'correct' answers on the main answer grid. When I investigated this further, I found information that indicated that there were a few known errors, based on this 7/7R issue. I was unaware that there was two different versions or whatever, but some discrepencies do exist. My best suggestion would be to go through the answer explanations: it might make more sense then.

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