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EK VR 101 vs Real MCAT

Guest Elaine I

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Guest Elaine I

For those of you that used the Examkracker Verbal Reasoning 101 book, how did you find that your scores compared to the real MCAT? I've been using this book, and have found that the passages seem easier, or at least that there seem to be less harder passages. My marks have been higher than previous attempts at the real MCAT, but I'm sure if these marks are falsely inflated.


Thanks for your help.


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hey, i found that the passages on the ek 101 passages was actually harder than that of the real mcat. for that reason i thought they were a really effective way to prepare for the real thing,



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i think on the ek101 passages i never cracked an 11 but on the real thing i got a 12. I think one of the reason why the ek method helped was becuase of the 5 second rest between passages. It might seem like a waste of time but if you're like me and always think about past passages it is a good idea to do


good luck



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Guest jamiel911

hey dl,


im going to try that 5 sec rest between passages. if i just do practice with a passage i do well, but when i place all 9 together i seem to really do bad. maybe this break will help. i was wondering if there is any other tips u had.





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hey jamie, i think the best piece of advice i can givewhich might be pretty obvious is to focas on the main idea of each passage. When i was first practicing after reading each passage i would write down what i thought was the main idea and answer the questions with that in mind. then when you get more confortable with reading the passages and understandiung the main idea it won't even be necessary to write it down.


hope that helps,


good luck,



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