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Help on PS!!

Guest skiboot

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Guest skiboot



I'm writing for the second time (I wrote last year), and it seems that I am getting SLOWER on the PS section the more practice sets that I do. I seem to start out ok, and then seem to take longer and longer to answer the questions as time passes. I just attempted the PS section on test #7, and I ended up with 15 questions blank!!!


I seem to get caught up on a passage and then get caught with too many questions left when the time is up.


I've reviewed the general chem / physics materials, and feel like I have a good grasp of the material, but then I seem to lose it on the exam.


Any strategies for improvement as far as finishing on time?



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Hey Skiboot!


I am currently in the same boat as you! It seem no matter what I do I always end up have one or two passages left. And, like you, I feel like I have a good grasp on the material and studying it again would not be a constructive use of my time.


My Kaplan instuctor always reminds us that the MCAT is 30% content (science, i.e studying from books) and 70% critical thinking. For the next two weeks, I am going to practice the physical sciences portion of full lengths under timed conditions and see if I can improve. So far on my practice tests I have only managed to finish the physical sciences section once.


So I guess I don't really have a strategy, seeing as I am in the same situation as you, but I just wanted to let you know that someone else is in the same position you are :)


Good luck studying!

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Guest skiboot





I think I'm going to do the same and go over every question that I get wrong, find out what I did wrong, etc, and then hopefully I will be able to pull it all together.


Good luck!

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Guest Steve MD09

Based on the problem you described, scrutinizing the questions that you got wrong shouldn't be your first priority. I'd recommend focusing on the questions that took you a long time to answer, regardless of whether or not you answered correctly. If you're spending too much time on any one question, you should just skip it (guess) and perhaps come back to it later if you have time. Easy questions take 20 seconds to read and answer. If you're missing out on 6 of these because you spend 2 minutes doing 1 hard question, you're doing something wrong.

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Guest skiboot



I think one of my problems is not recognizing the relationships in some instances on physics questions (torque, equilibrium to name a few). I think I might also just keep doing questions and hopefully I won't have to sit and think about what exactly I'm supposed to do, rather, I'll be able to recognise what is being asked and be able to solve it more quickly.

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