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tips for compacted studying


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Hi guys, sorry if this is a double of a million posts in the past, but it is now a little less than 2 months from the August MCAT sitting, and I haven't really begun my review thanks to a full time job and volunteer committments. If I buckle down now, will I have enough time...or in other words, is it possible for a reasonable amount of people to do well with a little less than 2 months of studying time? Everyone else i've talked to has already been studying for a month or two.


Has anyone here written the MCAT with less than 2 months of studying?

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Guest Madz25

The PR course I took last year started at the end of May. However, I didn't "kick it into gear" until July. I ended up with a 34R. I probably would've done better if I hadn't wasted May and June.


You shouldn't base your 'possible performance' on how others did since everyone is different. I'm sure there are some people out there that ended up with a score in the high 30s with minimal studying and those that ended up with lower scores despite months and months of studying.


Good luck and start studying!!

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