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Will I have enough time to study for MCAT?

Guest dave927

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Guest dave927

Hello, I'm in 2nd year right now and I'm planning on taking my MCAT this summer. However, I was wondering if it is possible to take half a credit (human brain and behaviour at utsc) over the summer and do a summer research program and still have enough time to study for the MCAT.


I've already taken bio, physics and chem first year and i'm taking cell and molec bio and organic chem second year. I'm pretty sure that will help me and cut down my study session for those sections on the MCAT.

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Guest blinknoodle

This seems to be a common question.

Yes, it is possible to do, but you know yourself best and what you can handle (and how much spare time you'd like).

I personally worked 40 hours/week, did ECs, while enrolled in a PR course; it worked out fine but I was a bit tired by the time September rolled around. I'd recommend not working full-time (say 30 hours/week) and take one or two weeks off before the big test day.


See these old threads about the same query:






Hope this helps.



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Guest dave927

thanks a lot blinknoodle, i've made up my mind. I've decided to do the mcat, some ec, summer school and research program. I know I won't have no spare time, but that's okay. I'm just going to bust my ass till the very day of the mcat and then parrrttyyy.



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  • 3 months later...
Guest s sadry

i'm in a similar situation


doing an NSERC, organic chem (second half), and the PR course.


i hope it won't be too exhausting. can someone offer advice on how much time you should be putting into PR aside from class time? i really want to maek the most of the course, especially since i'm paying so much! :eek


- sharon

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Guest s sadry

i forgot to add...my chm247 exam will be between the 15-19th.


my mcat will be on the 20th.


it really worries me that they will be so close. how do you suggest going about this?


i guess a lot of people do this for the april mcat..and its a matter of prioritizing.

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Guest purplefairy13

I don't think the actual studying should be a problem...and in theory, you "shouldn't" have a problem with writing exams on consecutive days...but we all know that "shouldn't" isn't exactly something to gamble with where the MCAT is concerned. But, that being said, orgo is on the MCAT, so as long as you're not taking history of art or something, a summer course can actually complement the MCAT.


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Guest confused555



I know exactly what you guys mean. outside of the course, is it common to spend a few hours every day on the material covered? It just doesn't seem like there's time!


What are some good strategies you guys used to make sure everything was covered, but in the minimal time we have?



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Guest svp2k5

When i was studying for the MCAT last summer, i found the pdf file on the aamc website very helpful. It gave me the complete range of topics to study (I hadn't taken any bio classes, and my organic chem knowledge was quite deficient at the time). It is also quite good, at enabling yourself to pace yourself, and set a timetable on what you want to study. I found that by doing this I didn't feel overwhelmed with the breadth of topics I had to cover.


You can find this manual here:



or here, under the "Topics for Biological ...."



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