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april vs august mcat

Guest FUBAR514

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Guest FUBAR514

i'm currently doing a masters which won't be done for another year so i was wondering what your thoughts are on writing in april vs august. i am under the impression that the smaller pool of ppl writing it in april will maybe be in my favor? i've asked around and it seems like there is no advantage in either.

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Guest Madz25

There are approximately 7000 fewer students writing in April vs. August. I don't think the smaller pool will help because despite the fewer number of students as compared to August, there are still over 25000 students that write in April. With such a large number of students, I doubt a difference of 7000 students would confer any type of advantage.


You can check out the numbers at the following site:



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Guest studentz

no advantage based on month


I think the only advantage would be a personal one due to a more favourable prep situation for one administration vs the other.

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Guest medeng

I can't provide any stats to back this up, but I was told the same thing, that April is "easier" than August because of numbers... I think what it might come down to is that some people will write April as a practice for August, and may not be as well prepared, so if you can put in a good effort to preparing (which many UGs cannot due to exams), you can do relatively better in April. This is a pretty tenuous theory though... I would agree with studentz, the real advantage comes from your personal situation and when you can best prep for the test.

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