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Can anyone give me some advice

Guest Breanne

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Guest Breanne

I just finished my second year of university, I have taken chem, bio and physics, but I have not yet taken organic chem or biochem. I was planning to take the MCAT next summer, but I am really scared I will screw up and that will be my last chance. I was contemplating trying to take it this summer first, I figure it will be be good practice and maybe I will do well and be able to use the score. My question is will it look bad if I retake the test the second year if my score isn't high enough the first time? Or does it depend on the school, U of C is my first choice. Also I wasn't planning on taking a course this summer, just buying some books and studying hard (I am very self disciplined). If need be I will take a course in summer 2006. If anyone can provide any insight that would be great.

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Guest patentforamenovale

HI, its very much possible to do the MCAT without having orgo. or biochem. I did it myself, and it went well for me. However, it meant that I spent far more time working on orgo than for physics or bio (which were ok for me). That said, i want to add a note of caution.... do not take the MCAT as a trial run! The MCAT is stressful, and difficult to prepare for. It is an investment of an entire summer, so when you do decide to write it, go for it all-out and nail it once and for all. I can't comment on U of C's MCAT requirement, but I do know that most OMSAS schools will only look at your best MCAT scores (NOT the best PS/BS/V scores from multiple tests, but the 4 scores from the one test on which you did best overall).




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Guest Breanne

I intend to try my best and put as much effort as I can into it, and try to get the highest score possible, but with the knowledge that I can take it again if I have to which will make it a bit less stressful. Since I am a worrier I know that if I take it next summer at the last minute I will be so stressed out about not getting a high enough score, and I am afraid that might affect my ability to do as well as I can. Mostly I am just worried about how it will look if I have to take it the second time.

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Guest scrubbed

Hi Breanne,


I hope that I can give you some helpful advice.


Calgary's MCAT policy, which I took from their website, is as follows:





5. What is your policy if the MCAT is written more than once?


We consider the best set of scores. If, however, you wish to have two or more sets of scores considered, you must inform us, on a separate letter, and provide official scores.


You may be able to combine scores then if, say,you do well on the verbal on on MCAT writing and do well on physical on the next writing.


6. What is your cut-off for the MCAT?


We do not have a minimum cut-off. The average scores of those admitted in recent years are: 10-10-Q-11.


If you are concerned about other schools, I would recommend that you check their websites to obtain more information.


From what you are saying, I think, then, that you should go for it this summer and do the best that you can. Some schools factor in MCAT scores into their decision while other schools have MCAT cutoffs.


The highest MCAT requirements are Queen's, which requires a minimum of 9 on Biological & Physical Sciences; 9 on Verbal Reasoning and O on the Writing Sample; Sum of 32.


Finally, I don't think that a course is essential. I would recommend that you do as many practice quesitons as you can. Being familiar with the test helps a lot.


Best of luck! May your self-discipline earn a good score this summer!

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Guest studentz

The AAMC sends out ALL scores to schools, so if you do it twice you can't hide the first ones. Schools vary in how they treat multiple scores.

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