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Courses for MCAT


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I'm currently in first year and am planning on writing the MCAT after 2nd year (during the summer of 2015) when the new MCAT in 2015 rolls out. As of now, I am completing general courses like Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Psychology. I'm also planning on taking Organic Chemistry I and II in the summer along with Linear Algebra, hopefully while working a job from 7 am - 5 pm.


Now, I just had questions regarding courses that should be taken to fully prepare for the MCAT in 2015. From what I've read, the Biological and Physical Sciences section is not changing too much, so any feedback from those of you who have written the MCAT and maybe have a bit to talk about MCAT 2015 would be helpful.


So, I plan on taking these courses in 2nd year (after taking Organic Chemistry in the summer of 2014):


Full year of Second Year Calculus (1.0)

Full year of Human Physiology (1.0)

Half year Biochemistry (0.5)

Computer Science (0.5)

Waves and Oscillations (0.5)

Modern Physics (0.5)

Intermediate Electromagnetism (0.5)

Biostatistics (0.5)


Now, the problem I am facing is that I want to take 3 other courses before the MCAT in 2015, and these are Cell Biology, Genetics and another Physics course. I am trying to see if the Biostatistics and Computer Science can be completed later since they are requirements for my program, but I'm not sure I can, yet. I was just wondering how important taking 2nd year Cell Biology and Genetics would be in being prepared for the MCAT. Also, I know it's hard to tell since it's not even out yet, but how in-depth should someone be in the Psychology/Sociology section? Would a single Psychology course in first year suffice?


Also, if anyone could provide any information on places in the GTA or online options to complete Organic Chemistry I and II w/ a lab component in the summer, that would be great! I know York and UofT offer it, but I also plan on working and taking an online Linear Algebra course, so I'm not sure how viable of an option it would be taking a course at these institutions this summer due to transportation constraints. I would still allocate quite a bit of time and effort to the course, though. I am mainly looking into Athabasca's Organic Chemistry courses and I'm slightly confused by the lab schedules. Here's a link for reference: http://science.athabascau.ca/Labs/schedules/2014/organic-chemistry.php


Does anyone generally know how long each course runs and when? From experience, how much time would you generally recommend spending?



I know a lot of these answers will be mostly speculation and personal, and I guess I'm just trying to receive general advice on the topics I've listed. If you could provide any feedback on how to prepare for the MCAT (specifically which courses to take and if I should be taking others that are not listed or if the ones I've listed are unnecessary) and any other information regarding anything above, that would be great! Thank you in advance!

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