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Canadian applying to American school?


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In Canada we have college level courses or university level courses in highschool (don't know how universities in america will look at this) but I've taken university level all through highschool. I've recently decided I'd possibly like to attend University of Denver or New York. I'm going into grade 12 right now and I know my marks can all be in the 80/90s (80/90s are A's in Canada) but in Grade 11 I didn't do well because I didn't make the best choices and missed a lot of class and my marks reflected that. I didn't fail anything but for regular admission will schools look a lot at my Grade 11 marks or more so grade 12 marks and SAT score? I'm also planning to take SAT's in oct/nov.. Which would be better? Is nov too late?


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How can you be going into grade 12 right now? Shouldn't u be done half of grade 12?


Uni's look at grade 11 and first semester of grade 12. People think grade 11 marks don't matter much, but grade 11 marks I would say is what gets you into uni. They can't look at grade 12 marks since you haven't completed it. However, if you finish both grade 11 and 12 and apply after that, then your chances will increase.


You still need to kill SAT to have a chance. But tuition is insanely high. Take SATs when you feel confident. No need to rush since you can't apply right away anyways.

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